«Levant» в толковых словарях и энциклопедиях: levant. Levant. adj. v. Qui se leve. Il n est en usage qu en cette phrase. Soleil levant. je seray là à soleil levant.
«Levant» в толковых словарях и энциклопедиях:
Levant. adj. v. Qui se leve. Il n est en usage qu en cette phrase. Soleil levant. je seray là à soleil levant. cette colline est exposée au soleil levant. le soleil levant la regarde. On dit prov. & fig. qu On adore plustost le soleil levant que…
Dictionnaire de l’Académie française
Le|vant the Levant an old name for the area of land at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, including Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and parts of Turkey >Levantine n adj
Dictionary of contemporary English
[lɪ vant] verb archaic abscond leaving unpaid debts. Origin C17: perh. from Levant: cf. Fr. faire voile en Levant be stolen or spirited away , lit. set sail for the Levant
English new terms dictionary
Lèvant m DEFINICIJA geogr. 1. zajednički naziv za zemlje na obali I Sredozemlja: Grčku, Tursku, Siriju, Libanon, Izrael, Jordan i Egipat; Bliski istok 2. (levan (a)t) <G nta> reg. meteor. jak, hladan, vlažan i postojan I vjetar na Jadranu…
Hrvatski jezični portal
n. countries located on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea
English contemporary dictionary
1. (le van) adj. m. Usité seulement dans cette locution : soleil levant, soleil qui paraît au matin. Je serai là à soleil levant, au soleil levant. Le soleil levant regarde cette maison. Fig. Adorer le soleil levant, faire sa cour à la faveur…
Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré
v. flee unpaid debts, escape in order to avoid paying debts (British Slang)
English contemporary dictionary
a m (ȃ) vzhodni veter, vzhodnik: Popoldne .. že levant od Istre pada (I. Gruden)
meteor. veter v Sredozemlju, zlasti vzhodni, ki piha s kopnega na morje
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Original name in latin Levant Name in other language State code US Continent/City America/New York longitude 44.86924 latitude 68.93476 altitude 45 Population 2257 Date 2006 01 17
Cities with a population over 1000 database
intransitive verb Etymology: perhaps from Spanish levantar to break camp, ultimately from Latin levare Date: 1797 chiefly British to run away from a debt
New Collegiate Dictionary
m. levant; est point cardinal. « Sus l interior, drech a levant, dos palmiers trason son floquet pus aut que lo teulat. » R. Lafont
Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu
The Levant (IPAEng|lə vænt) is a geographical term that denotes a large area in Western Asia, roughly bounded on the north by the Taurus Mountains, on the south by the Arabian Desert, and on the west by the Mediterranean Sea, while on the east it
noun The countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean Sea variously: a. Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Palestine Ant: Maghreb
adj. m. Qui se lève. Il n est usité que dans l expression, Soleil levant. Je serai là à soleil levant, au soleil levant. Le soleil levant regarde cette maison. Prov. et fig., Adorer le soleil levant, Faire sa cour à la puissance nouvelle, à la…
Dictionnaire de l’Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
s. m. L orient, relativement au lieu où l on est, la partie de l horizon où le soleil se lève. Du levant au couchant. Entre le levant et le midi. Les quatre points cardinaux sont le levant, le couchant, le midi et le septentrion. La France a l…
Dictionnaire de l’Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
index abscond, bilk, defraud, escape Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Law dictionary
n. (prec. by the) the eastern part of the Mediterranean with its islands and neighbouring countries. Phrases and idioms: Levant morocco high grade large grained morocco leather. Etymology: F, pres. part. of lever rise, used as noun = point of…
Useful english dictionary
n. (prec. by the) the eastern part of the Mediterranean with its islands and neighbouring countries. Phrases and idioms: Levant morocco high grade large grained morocco leather. Etymology: F, pres. part. of lever rise, used as noun = point of…
Useful english dictionary
/ləˈvænt/ (say luh vant) noun the, a former name for the lands bordering the eastern shore of the Mediterranean and the Aegean, especially Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. {French, properly present participle of (se) lever rise (with reference to the…
Australian English dictionary
/ləˈvænt/ (say luh vant) noun a superior grade of morocco having a large and prominent grain, originally made in the Levant, and used for bookbinding; Levant morocco
Australian English dictionary
levant, ante [ ləvɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. et n. m. • 1080; de 1. lever A
Qui se lève, en parlant du soleil. Soleil levant. Au soleil levant : à l aurore. Rare « dans la clarté douteuse de cette lune levante » (Pergaud). 2
N. m. (v. 1260) Côté de l
Encyclopédie Universelle
ist der Familienname von Brian Levant (* 1952), US amerikanischer Filmregisseur, Filmproduzent und Drehbuchautor Oscar Levant (1906 1972), US amerikanischer Komponist Ort: Levant (Maine) Île du Levant ist eine Insel im Mittelmeer vor der…
Deutsch Wikipedia
Mediterranean lands east of Italy, late 15c., from M.Fr. levant the Orient, from prp. of lever to rise (from L. levare to raise; see LEVER (Cf. lever)). The region so called in reference to the direction of sunrise
Etymology dictionary
levanter, n. /li vant /, v.i. Brit. Slang. to leave secretly or hurriedly to avoid paying debts. [1750 60; perh. Universalium
/li vant /, n. 1. the lands bordering the E shores of the Mediterranean Sea. 2. Also called Levant morocco. a superior grade of morocco having a large and prominent grain, originally made in the Levant. [1490 1500; earlier levaunt Universalium
Synonyms and related words: Africa, America, Antipodes, Asia, Asia Major, Asia Minor, Australasia, East, Eastern Hemisphere, Eurasia, Europe, Far East, Middle East, Near East, New World, Occident, Oceania, Old World, Orient, West, Western…
Moby Thesaurus
Levant, Ile du (spr. ihl dü lĕwáng), eine der Hyèrischen Inseln
Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Levant, 1) eine der Hyerischen Inseln, s. Hyères 3); 2) Städtischer Bezirk in der Grafschaft Penobscot des Staates Maine (Nordamerika), am Kenduskeag River; 2000 Ew
Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon
n. the East, especially the eastern end of Mediterranean.
Levanter, n. E wind of Mediterranean.
Levantine, n. & a
Dictionary of difficult words
[lɪ vant] noun (the Levant) archaic the eastern part of the Mediterranean. Derivatives Levantine noun & adjective Origin C15: from Fr., lit. rising , pres. participle of lever to lift used as a noun in the sense point of sunrise, east
English new terms dictionary
adj. m. Qui se lève, en parlant du Soleil. Je serai là au soleil levant. Cette maison regarde le soleil levant, est tournée au soleil levant. Adorer le soleil levant, Faire sa cour à la puissance nouvelle, à la faveur naissante. Il s’emploie…
Dictionnaire de l’Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
geographical name the countries bordering on the E Mediterranean • Levantine adjective or noun
New Collegiate Dictionary
nm., orient, Est : lèvan (Albanais.001), lévê (Albertville), lèvê (Montagny Bozel), lèvin (Villards Thônes) ; koûté du l(è)vâ du sèlwai <côté du lever du soleil> (001)
Dictionnaire Français-Savoyard
Le•vant [[t]lɪˈvænt[/t]] n. geg the lands bordering the E shores of the Mediterranean Sea • Etymology: 1490–1500; earlier levaunt < MF levant, n. use (with reference to rising sun) of prp. of lever to raise (se lever to rise). See lever
From formal English to slang
Le*vant (l[ e]*v[a^]nt ), v. i. [Cf. Sp. levantar to raise, go from one place to another.] To run away from one s debts; to decamp. [Colloq. Eng.] Thackeray. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Le vant (l[=e] vant), a. [F., p. pr. of lever to raise.] (Law) Rising or having risen from rest; said of cattle. See {Couchant and levant}, under {Couchant}. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Le*vant (l[ e]*v[a^]nt ), n. [It. levante the point where the sun rises, the east, the Levant, fr. levare to raise, levarsi to rise: cf. F. levant. See {Lever}.] 1. The countries washed by the eastern part of the Mediterranean and its contiguous…
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Le vant (l[=e] vant; 277), a. Eastern. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Forth rush the levant and the ponent winds. Milton. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
m geogr. 1. zajednički naziv za zemlje na obali I Sredozemlja: Grčku, Tursku, Siriju, Libanon, Izrael, Jordan i Egipat; Bliski istok 2. (levan(a)t) 〈G nta〉 reg. meteor. jak, hladan, vlažan i postojan I vjetar na Jadranu uz oblačno
Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
1. noun /lɪˈvænt/ Disappearing or absconding after losing a bet. 2. verb /lɪˈvænt/ To abscond or run away, especially to avoid paying money or debts. 3. adjective /lɪˈvænt/ Rising, of an animal
[lə vant′, ləvänt′] [Fr levant < It levante (< L levans, rising, raising, prp. of levare, to raise: see LEVER): applied to the East, from the “rising” of the sun] region on the E Mediterranean, including all countries bordering the sea…
English World dictionary
levant1 [lə vant′] vi. [prob. < Sp levantar, to start suddenly (as game), lit., to rise, ult. < L levare, to raise: see LEVER] Brit. to disappear unexpectedly, so as to avoid paying one s debts levant2 [lə vant′, ləvänt′] n. LEVANT MOROCCO
English World dictionary
Legal tern used of stray animals. An animal was said to be levant if it had been away for a day and a night; after this time it could be distrained, i.e. held by the owner of the land it was found on. Cf. Levant et cumbens
Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sommaire 1 Géographie 1.1 Vent 1.2 En Asie
Wikipédia en Français
(i. e. the Rising), a name given to the E. of the Mediterranean and the regions adjoining by the western peoples of the Mediterranean
The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
(Synonyme: Levante) Le levant est un vent méditerranéen que l on retrouve surtout, dans le roussillon, dans le languedoc, en provence et en corse. C est un vent doux et humide, il apporte souvent la pluie
L’Abécédaire du Vin
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«Levant» — Synonyms
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from Publication digest https://ift.tt/2CJCswI