cost, insurance, freight — cost, insurance, freight, [ kɔst, ɪn ʃuərəns, freɪt; englisch »Kosten, Versicherung, Fracht«], eine der Handelsklauseln und der Incoterms … Universal-Lexikon
cost, insurance, freight — cost, in|su|rance, freight [ in ʃuərəns freit] <engl. ; »Kosten, Versicherung u. Fracht«> Klausel im Überseehandel, nach der Fracht , Versicherungs u. Verladekosten im Preis eingeschlossen sind; Abk.: cif … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Cost, insurance, freight — (CIF) A type of sale in which the buyer of the product agrees to pay a unit price that includes the f.o.b. value of the product at the point of origin plus all costs of insurance and transportation. This type of transaction differs from a… … Energy terms
cost, insurance, freight — cọst, in|su|rance, freight ⟨[ ınʃu:rəns frɛıt]⟩ = cif [Etym.: engl.] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Cost and Freight — (CFR) is an Incoterm clearly defined in International Chamber of Commerce s publication 560 Incoterms 2000. It must always indicate the port of destination, ie CFR Shanghai .It means that the seller pays for transportation to the Port of… … Wikipedia
Cost and Freight — ( CFR) Seller is responsible for the payment of freight to carry goods to a named destination, as agreed with the buyer. This should be used with ocean shipments only, as the point where risk and responsibility pass from seller to buyer is the… … Financial and business terms
cost and freight — noun Meaning the seller pays for transportation to the port of loading, cost and freight, and the buyer pays for the insurance and the rest of the transportation Syn: CIF, cif … Wiktionary
cost and freight — C F, selling price includes all costs and freight, seller bears the transportation charges to the port of shipment and loading and freight (the buyer bears the cost of the insurance and transportation of goods from the port of destination to… … English contemporary dictionary
cost and freight — E com indicates that a quoted price includes the costs of the merchandise and the transportation but not the cost of insurance. Abbr. CFR … The ultimate business dictionary
cost, insurance, and freight — adj: including the cost of goods being shipped and the freight and insurance charges Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. cost, insurance, and freight … Law dictionary
cost, insurance and freight — COMMERCE ➔ Incoterm * * * ► See CIF. * * * cost, insurance and freight UK US noun [U] (ABBREVIATION CIF) ► TRANSPORT, INSURA … Financial and business terms
Cost, Insurance and Freight — (CIF) is a common term in a sales contract that may be encountered in international trading when ocean transport is used. It must always indicate the port of destination, ie CIF Shanghai. When a price is quoted CIF, it means that the selling… … Wikipedia
Cost, Insurance And Freight — CIF est un Incoterm qui signifie Cost, Insurance and Freight Incoterms 2000 EXW | FCA | FAS | FOB | CFR | CIF | DAF | DES | CPT | CIP | DEQ | DDU | DDP … Wikipédia en Français
cost, insurance and freight — >> C.I.F. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000 … Law dictionary
Cost, Insurance and Freight — Области действия терминов Инкотермс CIF (англ. Cost, Insurance and Freight стоимость, страхование и фрахт) международный коммерческий торговый термин. (См. … Википедия
Cost, Insurance and Freight — CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight Costo, Seguro y Flete) Significa que el vendedor hace entrega cuando las mercancías sobrepasan la borda del buque en el puerto de embarque convenido. El vendedor también debe pagar los costos y fletes necesarios… … Enciclopedia Universal
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