Перевод — writ of habeas corpus — с английского — на все языки — 1

writ of habeas corpus

— >> habeas corpus. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000 …

Law dictionary

Writ of habeas corpus

— Mit „Habeas corpus …“ (lat. wörtlich „du sollst den Körper haben“) wurden im Mittelalter in England die rechtlich nicht beschränkten königlichen Haftbefehle eingeleitet. Diese Wendung war an den Ausführenden adressiert und bedeutet: man möge die… …

Deutsch Wikipedia

writ of habeas corpus

— Date: 1762 habeas corpus …

New Collegiate Dictionary

writ of habeas corpus

— noun a writ ordering a prisoner to be brought before a judge • Syn: ↑habeas corpus • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence • Hypernyms: ↑writ, ↑judicial writ …

Useful english dictionary

writ of habeas corpus

— See habeas corpus …

Black’s law dictionary

writ of habeas corpus

— See habeas corpus …

Ballentine’s law dictionary

writ of habeas corpus

— n. (Law) writ requiring that a prisoner be brought before a court to decide the legality of his detention; writ requiring that a person be brought into court for questioning …

English contemporary dictionary

writ of habeas corpus cum causa

— Same as ad faciendum et recipiendum …

Ballentine’s law dictionary

Habeas corpus in the United States

— Habeas corpus (/ heɪbiəs kɔɹpəs/), Latin for you [should] have the body , is the name of a legal action or writ by means of which detainees can seek relief from unlawful imprisonment. The Suspension Clause of the United States Constitution… …


habeas corpus

— habeas cor·pus / kȯr pəs, ˌpu̇s/ n [Medieval Latin, literally, you should have the body (the opening words of the writ)]: any of several writs originating at common law that are issued to bring a party before the court; esp: habeas corpus ad… …

Law dictionary


— La procédure par laquelle un juge ou une cour de justice enjoint au garde d’un individu détenu ou incarcéré d’avoir à présenter corporellement cette personne aux fins de décider de la légalité de la détention est aussi ancienne que la common law… …

Encyclopédie Universelle

Habeas Corpus

— L’ordonnance, bref ou mandat d habeas corpus (en anglais writ of habeas corpus), plus exactement habeas corpus ad subjiciendum et recipiendum, énonce une liberté fondamentale, celle de ne pas être emprisonné sans jugement. En vertu de cette loi,… …

Wikipédia en Français

Habeas corpus (disambiguation)

— Habeas Corpus can refer to* Habeas corpus , a legal action through which a person can seek relief from unlawful detention **Habeas Corpus Act 1679, passed during the reign of King Charles II to define and strengthen the ancient prerogative writ… …


Habeas corpus

— This article is about the legal term. For other uses, see Habeas corpus (disambiguation). Prerogative w …


Habeas Corpus

— термин английского права, которым обозначается основная гарантия личной свободы в Англии. Всякий, считающий себя лишенным свободы неправильно или противозаконно, может обратиться в суд и просить о выдаче ему writ of Habeas Corpus. Это приказ,… …

Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

Habeas Corpus Bill of 1758

— The Habeas Corpus Bill of 1758 was a failed bill that would have extended habeas corpus if passed.The Habeas Corpus Act 1679 confirmed the common law tradition that subjects had a right to a writ of habeas corpus. However judges ruled that those… …


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