VANUATU — Treize «grandes îles» et une soixantaine de petites îles et îlots, 161 000 habitants en 1993, une capitale, Port Vila, et une réputation d’État progressiste: l’archipel du Vanuatu, à 600 kilomètres à l’est de la Nouvelle Calédonie, représente la… … Encyclopédie Universelle

Vanuàtu — m ⟨G ua⟩ geogr. otočna država u JZ dijelu Tihog oceana (Melanezija), glavni grad Vila … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

Vanuatu — Vanuàtu m <G ua> DEFINICIJA geogr. otočna država u JZ dijelu Tihog oceana (Melanezija), 12.190 km2, 147.000 stan., glavni grad Vila … Hrvatski jezični portal

Vanuatu — Vanuãtu dkt … Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas

Vanuatu — [van΄wä to͞o′, vän΄wä to͞o′; van wä′to͞o, van΄oo wä′to͞o] country on a group of islands in the SW Pacific, west of Fiji: formerly an Anglo French condominium, it became an independent republic in 1980; member of the Commonwealth: 4,706 sq mi… … English World dictionary

Vanuatu — Republic of Vanuatu Ripablik blong Vanuatu (Bislama) République de Vanuatu (French) … Wikipedia

Vanuatu — Vanuatuan, adj., n. /vah nooh ah tooh/, n. a republic consisting of a group of 80 islands in the S Pacific, ab. 1000 mi. (1600 km) NE of Australia: formerly under joint British and French administration; gained independence 1980. 181,358; ab.… … Universalium

Vanuatu — Ripablik blong Vanuatu (bi) Republic of Vanuatu (en) Républiqu … Wikipédia en Français

Vanuatu — Ripablik blong Vanuatu Republic of Vanuatu République du Vanuatu República de Vanuatu … Wikipedia Español

Vanuatu — Ripablik Blong Vanuatu (Bislama) République de Vanuatu (frz.) Republic of Vanuatu (engl.) Republik Vanuatu … Deutsch Wikipedia

Vanuatu — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction ::Vanuatu <p></p> Background: <p></p> Multiple waves of colonizers, each speaking a distinct language, migrated to the New Hebrides in the millennia preceding European… … The World Factbook

Vanuatu — Neue Hebriden (veraltet) * * * Va|nu|a|tu [vænu ɑ:tu: ]; s: Inselstaat im Pazifischen Ozean. * * * Vanuatu Kurzinformation: Fläche: 12 190 km2 Einwohner: (2000) 190 000 Hauptst … Universal-Lexikon

Vanuatu — La República de Vanuatu es un país localizado en el Océano Pacífico Sur. El archipiélago está localizado a unos 1,750 km al este de Australia, 500 km al noreste de Nueva Caledonia, al oeste de Fiji y al sur de las Islas Salomón. Su nombre… … Enciclopedia Universal

Vanuatu — noun a volcanic island republic in Melanesia; independent since 1980 • Syn: ↑Republic of Vanuatu, ↑New Hebrides • Instance Hypernyms: ↑country, ↑state, ↑land • Part Holonyms: ↑Melan … Useful english dictionary

Vanuatu — noun /væn.uːˈɑː.tuː/ A country in Oceania. Official name: Republic of Vanuatu … Wiktionary

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