Cayman Islands — Cayman Islands … Wikipedia

Cayman Islands — Kaimaninseln … Deutsch Wikipedia

Cayman Islands — [ keɪmən aɪləndz], deutsch auch Kaimaninseln, karibische Inselgruppe südlich von Kuba, bestehend aus Grand Cayman, Little Cayman und Cayman Brac; britische Kronkolonie mit innerer Selbstverwaltung; 259 km2, (2000) 41 000 Einwohner (davon 94 %… … Universal-Lexikon

Cayman Islands — [kā′mən, kī män′] British crown colony in the Caribbean, consisting of a group of three islands c. 200 mi (322 km) northwest of Jamaica: 100 sq mi (259 sq km); pop. 25,000 … English World dictionary

Cayman Islands — V. Caïmans (îles) … Encyclopédie Universelle

Cayman Islands — /kay man , meuhn/ three islands in the West Indies, NW of Jamaica: a British crown colony. 10,249; 104 sq. mi. (269 sq. km). * * * Cayman Islands Introduction Cayman Islands Background: The Cayman Islands were colonized from Jamaica by the… … Universalium

Cayman Islands

Introduction ::Cayman Islands


The Cayman Islands were colonized from Jamaica by the British during the 18th and 19th centuries and were administered by… … The World Factbook

Cayman Islands — Îles Caïmans Cayman Islands … Wikipédia en Français

Cayman Islands — Sp Kaimãnai Ap Cayman Islands Sp Kaimãnų Sãlos Ap Cayman Islands L D. Britanijos valda Karibų jūroje … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

Cayman Islands — geographical name islands West Indies NW of Jamaica; a British colony capital George Town (on Grand Cayman, chief island) area 100 square miles (259 square kilometers), population 23,881 • Caymanian adjective or noun … New Collegiate Dictionary

Cayman Islands — The CURRENCY of the country is the Cayman Island Dollar. The corresponding SWIFT code is KYD … International financial encyclopaedia

Cayman Islands — Cay|man Is|lands, the a group of three islands in the Caribbean Sea, northwest of Jamaica, which are a British ↑dependency. Population: 36,000 (2001). Capital: George Town … Dictionary of contemporary English

Cayman Islands — n. group of islands southeast of Cuba (in the Caribbean Sea) … English contemporary dictionary

Cayman Islands — Cay′man Is′lands [[t]ˈkeɪˌmæn, mən[/t]] n. pl. geg three islands in the West Indies, NW of Jamaica: a British crown colony. 23,700; 104 sq. mi. (269 sq. km) … From formal English to slang

Cayman Islands — /keɪmən ˈaɪləndz/ (say kaymuhn uyluhndz) plural noun three islands north west of Jamaica, in the West Indies; a British dependency. 269 km2. Language: English … Australian English dictionary

Cayman Islands — … Википедия

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