
Correia Beatriz Silva


Silva Maclovia C.

«Retrofit em Baldios Industriais Urbanos 9783841711847»

Em uma coisa eu acredito: que a mente livre e investigativa do indivíduo é o que há de mais valioso no mundo. E contra uma coisa eu devo lutar: qualquer ideia, religião ou governo que limite o indivíduo. É isto o que eu sou e é isto o que penso. Posso entender por que um sistema baseado numa certa organização deva tentar destruir a mente livre, pois ela pode destruir tal sistema. Certamente sou capaz de entender isso, e o odeio, e lutarei contra ele para preservar a única coisa que nos separa dos animais não criativos. Se a glória puder ser morta, estamos perdidos. A Leste do Éden — John Steinbeck


Формат: 152×220, 276 стр.



Универсальный код товара: 9783841711847


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— Ⅰ. retrofit UK US /ˈretrəʊˌfɪt/ verb [T] ( tt ) PRODUCTION ► to provide a machine with a part, or a place with equipment, that the machine or place did not have when it was built: »We re retrofitting these plants with state of the art emission… …

Financial and business terms


— ☆ retrofit [re′trə fit΄ ] n. [ RETRO & FIT1] a change in design, construction, or equipment, as of an aircraft or machine tool already in operation, in order to incorporate later improvements vt., vi. retrofitted, retrofitting to modify with a… …

English World dictionary


— 1954, from retro(active) + (re)fit …

Etymology dictionary


— Retrofitting refers to the addition of new technology or features to older systems. An example of this is car customizing, where older vehicles are fitted with new technologies: power windows, cruise control, remote keyless systems, electric fuel …



— Unter Retrofit wird die Modernisierung oder der Ausbau bestehender Produktionsanlagen verstanden. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Ziele 2 Gründe 3 Maßnahmen 4 Vorteile eines Retrofits …

Deutsch Wikipedia


— retrofittable, adj. v. /re troh fit , re troh fit /; n., adj. /re troh fit /, v., retrofitted or retrofit, retrofitting, n., adj. v.t. 1. to modify equipment (in airplanes, automobiles, a factory, etc.) that is already in service using parts… …



— UK [ˈretrəʊˌfɪt] / US [ˈretroʊˌfɪt] verb [transitive] Word forms retrofit : present tense I/you/we/they retrofit he/she/it retrofits present participle retrofitting past tense retrofitted past participle retrofitted to change or improve something …

English dictionary


— [[t]re̱troʊfɪt[/t]] retrofits, retrofitting, retrofitted VERB To retrofit a machine or a building means to put new parts or new equipment in it after it has been in use for some time, especially to improve its safety or make it work better. [V n] …

English dictionary


— transitive verb Date: 1953 1. to furnish (as a computer, airplane, or building) with new or modified parts or equipment not available or considered necessary at the time of manufacture 2. to install (new or modified parts or equipment) in… …

New Collegiate Dictionary


— Le rétrofit (parfois orthographié retrofit) est un anglicisme désignant la pratique consistant à échanger des pièces usées et des composants d équipements obsolètes tout en maintenant la configuration des équipements et de l unité de production d …

Wikipédia en Français


— 1. verb /ˈɹɛt.ɹəʊˌfɪt/ a) To add or substitute new parts or components to some device, structure etc., that were not previously available; to modernize The bug was so bad that we had to retrofit our patch to the la …



— ret|ro|fit [ˈretrəufıt US trou ] v past tense and past participle retrofitted present participle retrofitting [T] to improve a machine, piece of equipment, building etc by putting new and better parts in it after it has been used for some time

… …

Dictionary of contemporary English


— retrÉ

ÊŠfɪt v. install new equipment or technology into older existing machines or equipment; modify something by adding newer and more advanced equipment (i.e. retrofit an old building with earthquake safe materials) …

English contemporary dictionary


— /ˈrɛtroʊfɪt/ (say retrohfit) verb (t) (retrofitted, retrofitting) 1. to fit out anew as part of repairs or maintenance, especially by replacing old or worn parts or items with new and up to date ones. 2. to fit out at a later time as part of a… …

Australian English dictionary


— re·tro·fit s.m.inv. ES ingl. TS autom. filtro applicabile alle normali marmitte degli autoveicoli, che catalizza i gas di scarico nocivi convertendoli in azoto e ossigeno DATA: 1992. ETIMO: comp. di retro(active) …

Dizionario italiano


— ret|ro|fit [ retrou,fıt ] verb transitive to change or improve something such as a machine or a building by adding new parts, equipment, or features to it ╾ ret|ro|fit noun count …

Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

from Publication digest