tempt providence — If you tempt providence, you take a risk that may well have unpleasant consequences. ( Tempt fate is also used.) … The small dictionary of idiomes

tempt providence — tempt fate/providence/ phrase to say or to do something that may cause problems, or to cause your good luck to end Don’t tempt fate by saying we can win. Thesaurus: to cause problems for yourselfsynonym fate and destinysynonym … Useful english dictionary

tempt providence — ► tempt fate (or providence) do something risky or dangerous. Main Entry: ↑tempt … English terms dictionary

tempt providence — tempt fate/providence 1. to do something which involves a risk and may cause something unpleasant to happen. I always feel it s tempting fate to leave the house without an umbrella. 2. to cause bad luck for yourself by talking too confidently… … New idioms dictionary

tempt Providence — Synonyms and related words: bell the cat, brave, chance, court danger, court destruction, dare, defy danger, face up to, flirt with death, forget the odds, gamble, go for broke, hazard, play Russian roulette, play with fire, risk, run the chance … Moby Thesaurus

tempt Providence — take an unnecessary risk … English contemporary dictionary

tempt — S3 [tempt] v [T] [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: tempter, tenter, from Latin temptare, tentare to feel, try, tempt ] 1.) to try to persuade someone to do something by making it seem attractive tempt sb into doing sth

The new program is… … Dictionary of contemporary English

tempt — ► VERB 1) entice (someone) to do something against their better judgement. 2) (be tempted to do) have an urge or inclination to do. 3) attract; charm. ● tempt fate (or providence) Cf. ↑tempt providence … English terms dictionary

providence — /ˈprɒvədəns / (say provuhduhns) noun 1. the foreseeing care and guardianship of God over His creatures. 2. (upper case) God. 3. a manifestation of the divine care or direction. 4. provident or prudent management of resources; economy. 5. Rare… … Australian English dictionary

tempt fate — ● tempt * * * tempt fate/providence/ phrase to say or to do something that may cause problems, or to cause your good luck to end Don’t tempt fate by saying we can win. Thesaurus: to cause problems for yourself … Useful english dictionary

tempt — [ tempt ] verb transitive ** 1. ) often passive to make you want to do or have something, especially something that is not good for you: The store windows were lit invitingly, tempting the late shoppers. Do you want another drink? I m tempted. be … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

tempt fate (or providence) — do something risky or dangerous. → tempt … English new terms dictionary

tempt´er — tempt «tehmpt», transitive verb. 1. to make or try to make (a person) do something: »The sight of the food tempted the hungry man to steal. SYNONYM(S): lure, inveigle, decoy. 2. to appeal strongly to; attract: »That candy tempts me. SYNONYM( … Useful english dictionary

tempt´a|ble — tempt «tehmpt», transitive verb. 1. to make or try to make (a person) do something: »The sight of the food tempted the hungry man to steal. SYNONYM(S): lure, inveigle, decoy. 2. to appeal strongly to; attract: »That candy tempts me. SYNONYM( … Useful english dictionary

tempt fate — ► tempt fate (or providence) do something risky or dangerous. Main Entry: ↑tempt … English terms dictionary

tempt fate — tempt fate/providence 1. to do something which involves a risk and may cause something unpleasant to happen. I always feel it s tempting fate to leave the house without an umbrella. 2. to cause bad luck for yourself by talking too confidently… … New idioms dictionary

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