Mahak Hospital and Rehabilitation Complex — Mahak Geography Location Darband, Tehran, Iran Coordinates … Wikipedia

Federation of European Microbiological Societies — Logo der Federation of European Microbiological Societies Die Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) ist eine Dachorganisation europäischer mikrobiologischer Forschungseinrichtungen und Organisationen. Sie besteht aus 46… … Deutsch Wikipedia

International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology — The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) is an international non governmental organisation concerned with biochemistry and molecular biology[citation needed]. Formed in 1955 as the International Union of Biochemistry … Wikipedia

Timeline of peptic ulcer disease and Helicobacter pylori — This is a timeline of the events relating to the discovery that peptic ulcer disease is caused by H. pylori . In 2005, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery that peptic ulcer… … Wikipedia

National Institutes of Health — NIH redirects here. For other uses, see NIH (disambiguation). Coordinates: 39°00′02″N 77°06′09″W / 39.000443°N 77.102394°W / 39 … Wikipedia

Neocallimastigomycota — Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division … Wikipedia

serine — /ser een, in, sear /, n. Biochem. a crystalline amino acid, HOCH2CH(NH2)COOH, found in many proteins and obtained by the hydrolysis of sericin, the protein constituting silk gum. Abbr.: Ser; Symbol: S [1875 80; SER(UM) + INE2] * * * One of the… … Universalium

dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine — di·meth·yl p phen·yl·ene·di·amine (di meth″əl fen″əl ēn diґə mēn) a reddish violet, crystalline, substituted aniline derivative, toxic by ingestion or inhalation; used in reagents for various biochemical and… … Medical dictionary

Fungus — Fungi redirects here. You may be looking for Fungi (music) or Fungus (XM). Fungi Temporal range: Early Devonian–Recent (but see text) … Wikipedia

environmental works

civil engineering Introduction infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations … Universalium

human disease — Introduction an impairment of the normal state of a human being that interrupts or modifies its vital functions. health versus disease Before human disease can be discussed, the meanings of the terms health, physical fitness, illness … Universalium

protist — protistan /proh tis teuhn/, adj., n. protistic, adj. /proh tist/, n. any of various one celled organisms, classified in the kingdom Protista, that are either free living or aggregated into simple colonies and that have diverse reproductive and… … Universalium

dairy product — Introduction milk and any of the foods made from milk, including butter, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and condensed and dried milk. Milk has been used by humans since the beginning of recorded time to provide both fresh and storable… … Universalium

Growth medium — An agar plate an example of a bacterial growth medium. Specifically, it is a streak plate; the orange lines and dots are formed by bacterial colonies. A growth medium or culture medium is a liquid or gel designed to support the growth of… … Wikipedia

Wound healing — Hand abrasion … Wikipedia

Шикиматный путь — Шикиматный путь метаболический путь, промежуточным метаболитом которого является шикимовая кислота (шикимат). Шикиматный путь наряду с поликетидным (ацетатно малонатным) механизмом построения бензольных ядер отмечается как… … Википедия

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