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Sep 7th 2020, 06:45

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Sep 7th 2020, 06:45

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v. tr. 1. abuse, trample, beat, harass, harass, harass, harass, harass □ offend, insult, disdain □ (iron .) cook ...Mediavia Academic summaryAcademic Dictionaries and Encyclopediasmaltrattarev. tr. 1. abuse, trample, beat, harass, harass, harass, harass, harass □ offend, insult, disdain □ (iron .) cooking, tanning □ trampling, beating, beating, kicking in the butt □…

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Sep 7th 2020, 06:45

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Sep 7th 2020, 06:45

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Sep 7th 2020, 06:45

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Sep 7th 2020, 06:45

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00

*forma-odezhda.ru › Производители*

Bates ( Бейтс ) являются высокоэффективной и популярной обувью для военных, Bates , продаётся ежегодно в 60 странах мира. Не удивительно, что Bates остается одним из основных игроков в мире тактических обуви. Если Вы ищите BATES известна всему миру как об

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00

Русский: NKN ingles английский


Перевод — nkn — с английского — — 1. Посмотрите на других...


NKN ingles английский


Перевод — nkn — с английского — — 1. Посмотрите другие словари: NKN-National Kart News (Community » Sports) * Nankina, Папуа-Новая Гвинея (региональные » Airport Codes) * NeoKarate Network (Community » Sports) ... Abbreviations dictionary. NKN-neurokinin ... Medical dictionary

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Перевод-nkn-с английского — - словари и энциклопедии об академике ( https://ift.tt/3lXwfiE)

Перевод-nkn-с английского — - 1

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00

Русский: https://ift.tt/324V6t1

ФОРМА-ОДЕЖДА.Ru Deut Deuter 2015 Aircontact Aircontact 45 + 10...



ФОРМА-ОДЕЖДА.Ru deut Deuter 2015 aircontact aircontact 45 + 10 Black-titanэти спортивные техничные рюкзаки с их минимальным весом и продуманной конструкцией являются надежными спутниками в любом походе. Верхний клапан с двойными пряжка... ( https://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fforma-odezhda.ru%2Fsnaryazhenie%2Fsumki-1%2Fvelosumki-1%2Fryukzak-deuter-2015-aircontact-aircontact-45-10-black-titan%2F&h=AT3vugG1JuUdSAp0Jx8pZkVSgBxlDswK1KYq8AYizNTd9IIwmH-qY1pS0dmM2UYh5iC-lMYCwbjh-QvvRkxRXYawqVTGh8BmCYSTTOLROLFt3-xTRjFtRIjKuX8Drmb9vOZ_oVZgY_VlCh2NRd2898DV13x2e6iVrA3eivRQWVXgYNM)

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00

English: Frederick -...


Frederick - enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com ( http://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/)


(as used in expressions) Alexanderson, Ernst F(rederik) W(erner), Frederik Hendrik, Willem Frederik Willem Frederik George Lodewijk Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk, Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel Klerk, F(rederik) W(illem) de…

by esacademic.com ( http://esacademic.com/)

Friedrich - Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico ( https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik)

(as used in expressions) Alexanderson, Ernst F(rederik) W(erner), Frederik Hendrik, Willem Frederik Willem Frederik George Lodewijk Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk, Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel Klerk, F(rederik) W(illem) de…

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00

Frederik -...


Frederik - enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com ( http://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/)


(as used in expressions) Alexanderson, Ernst F(rederik) W(erner) Frederik Hendrik Willem Frederik Willem Frederik George Lodewijk Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel Klerk, F(rederik) W(illem) de…

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Frederik - Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico ( https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik)

(as used in expressions) Alexanderson, Ernst F(rederik) W(erner) Frederik Hendrik Willem Frederik Willem Frederik George Lodewijk Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel Klerk, F(rederik) W(illem) de…

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00


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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00

English: esacademic.com 2 WebView Telegram


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Department of Central or Cote d'ivoire, next to the Liberian border; 5,585 km2 and 117,179 H. Cap., C. homonym (19,608 H) via esacademic.com.

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00

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english_german.deacademic.com › Glorious_Revolution


Glo·ri·ous Revo·ˈlu·tion n no pl BRIT HIST ▫ the Glorious Revolution die Glorreiche Revolution.

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00

English: English nkn ⚗


Translation — nkn — English — — 1. Look at others...


English nkn ⚗


Translation — nkn — English — — 1. See other dictionaries: NKN-National Kart News (Community "Sports) * Nankina, Papua New Guinea (Regional" Airport Codes) * NeoKarate Network (Community " Sports) ... Abbreviations dictionary. NKN-neurokinin ... Medical dictionary

via esacademic.com ( http://esacademic.com/)

Translation - NKN-English - - dictionaries and encyclopedias about the academic ( https://ift.tt/3lXwfiE)

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00


FORMA-ODEZHDA.RUРюкзак Deuter 2015 Aircontact Aircontact 45 + 10...



FORMA-ODEZHDA.RUРюкзак Deuter 2015 Aircontact Aircontact 45 + 10 black-titanЭти спортивные техничные рюкзаки с их минимальным весом и продуманной конструкцией являются надежными спутниками в любом походе. Верхний клапан с двойными пряжка... ( https://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fforma-odezhda.ru%2Fsnaryazhenie%2Fsumki-1%2Fvelosumki-1%2Fryukzak-deuter-2015-aircontact-aircontact-45-10-black-titan%2F&h=AT3vugG1JuUdSAp0Jx8pZkVSgBxlDswK1KYq8AYizNTd9IIwmH-qY1pS0dmM2UYh5iC-lMYCwbjh-QvvRkxRXYawqVTGh8BmCYSTTOLROLFt3-xTRjFtRIjKuX8Drmb9vOZ_oVZgY_VlCh2NRd2898DV13x2e6iVrA3eivRQWVXgYNM)

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Sep 7th 2020, 03:00

Русский: Фредерик -...


Фредерик ... enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com ( http://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/)


(как используется в выражениях) Александерсон, Эрнст Ф (редерик) ж (эрнер), Фредерик Хендрик, Виллем Фредерик Виллем Фредерик Джордж Лодевейк Виллем Александр Пауль Фредерик Лодевейк, Кристиан Фредерик Карл Георг Вальдемар Аксель Клерк, Ф (редерик) ж (иллем) де…

мимо esacademic.com ( http://esacademic.com/)

Фридрих-Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico ( https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik)

(как используется в выражениях) Александерсон, Эрнст Ф (редерик) ж (эрнер), Фредерик Хендрик, Виллем Фредерик Виллем Фредерик Джордж Лодевейк Виллем Александр Пауль Фредерик Лодевейк, Кристиан Фредерик Карл Георг Вальдемар Аксель Клерк, Ф (редерик) ж (иллем) де…

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» Municipalities

07/09/20 02:17 from Publication digest



* 1 municipalities — Municipalities, of which there are some 8,022

represented in the country s town and city halls (ayuntamientos), have

a long history in Spain, many of them possessing ancient royal

charters. They vary enormously in size, from those of cities… …

Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

* 2 Municipalities — Municipality Mu*nic i*pal i*ty, n.; pl.

{Municipalities}. [Cf. F. municipalit[ e].] A municipal district; a

borough, city, or incorporated town or village. [1913 Webster] …

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

* 3 municipalities — ➡ local government * * * …


* 4 municipalities — mu·nic·i·pal·i·ty || mjuː nɪsɪ pælÉ™tɪ n.

city or district with its own government, city council; governing body

of the local area …

English contemporary dictionary

* 5 Municipalities of Estonia — Estonia …


* 6 Municipalities of Brazil — by State Brazil …


* 7 Municipalities of the canton of Fribourg — Municipalities in the

canton of Fribourg There are 167 municipalities in the canton of

Fribourg, Switzerland (as of July 2011[update]) …


* 8 Municipalities of Colombia — The Municipalities of Colombia are

decentralized subdivisions of the Republic of Colombia. Municipalities

make up most of the departments of Colombia with 1,119 municipalities

(municipios). Each one of them is led by a Mayor (Alcalde) elected by…


* 9 Municipalities of the canton of Vaud — Municipalities in the canton

of Vaud There are 339 municipalities in the canton of Vaud,

Switzerland, (as of October 2011[update]) …


* 10 Municipalities of Republika Srpska — (light blue) The regions of Re


* 11 Municipalities of Switzerland — Municipalities (sometimes called

communities or communes, after the French/Italian names) are the

smallest government division in Switzerland, and are called Gemeinden

in German, communes in French, comuni in Italian and vischnancas in

Romansh.… …


* 12 Municipalities of Cuba — Cuba …


* 13 Municipalities of the canton of Ticino — Municipalities in the

canton of Ticino There are 157 municipalities in the canton of Ticino,

Switzerland, (as of November 2010[update]) …


* 14 Municipalities of the canton of Zürich — Municipalities in the

canton of Zürich There are 171 municipalities in the Canton of Zürich,

Switzerland, (as of December 2008[u …


* 15 Municipalities of Montenegro — Municipalities of Montenegro …


* 16 Municipalities of the canton of St. Gallen — Municipalities in the

canton of St. Gallen The following are the 85 municipalities of the

canton of St. Gallen, (as of April 2010[update]) …


* 17 Municipalities of Lebanon — Municipalities of Lebanon …


* 18 Municipalities of the canton of Bern — Municipalities in the canton

of Bern There are 383 municipalities in the canton of Bern,

Switzerland (as of July 2011[update]) …


* 19 Municipalities of the canton of Solothurn — Municipalities in the

canton of Solothurn These are the 122 municipalities of the canton of

Solothurn, Switzerland (as of April 2010[update]) …


* 20 Municipalities of the canton of Valais — Municipalities in the

canton of Wallis There are 143 municipalities in the canton of Valais,

Switzerland (as of February 2010[update]) …



© Academic, 2020

» Перевод — germania — с латинского — на все языки

07/09/20 02:17 from Publication digest

Derivv. superior, inferior, also called Germania prima and secunda,

saltus, mare, gentes, sermo, bellum, exercitus, expeditio (Caligulae),

victoria, persona, A surname of several generals who gained victories over

the Germans. —Esp.

Germāni , ōrum, m., = Germanoi, the Germans , between the Rhine , the

Danube , the Vistula , and the sea; the eastern neighbors of the Gauls ,

Caes. B. G. 2, 4; 4, 1; 6, 11; 21 sq.; Tac. G. passim; Cic. Att. 14, 9, 3;

id. Prov. Cons. 13, 33; id. Balb. 14, 32; id. Pis. 33, 81 al.— Sing . :

Germānus , i, m., a German , in a pun with germanus, own brother; v. 1.

germanus, I. B.—

II .


A .

Germānus , a, um, adj., Germanic , German ( poet.):

herbae ,

Ov. A. A. 3, 163:

pubes ,

Pers. 6, 44.—

B .

Germānĭa , ae, f., the country of the Germans , Germany , Caes. B. G. 4,

4; 5, 13; 6, 11; 24 sq.; id. B. C. 1, 7; 3, 87; Hor. C. 4, 5, 26; id.

Epod. 16, 7 al. —Divided into Upper and Lower Germany :

superior ,

Tac. A. 1, 31; 6, 30; 12, 27; id. H. 1, 12 al.:

inferior ,

id. A. 1, 31; 4, 73; 11, 18; id. H. 1, 9; 52 sq.;

also called Germania prima and secunda ,

Amm. 15, 11, 7 sq. — Transf., = Germani, Verg. G. 1, 509.— Hence, in

plur.: Germānĭae , ārum, f., the whole of Germany , Tac. A. 1, 34; 46; 57;

2, 26, 73; 3, 46 et saep.—

C .

Germānĭ-cus , a, um, adj., of or belonging to the Germans , Germanic ,

German .

1 .

Adj . :

saltus ,

Liv. 9, 36:

mare ,

the Baltic , Plin. 4, 16, 30, § 103:

gentes ,

id. 4, 13, 28, § 98:

sermo ,

Suet. Calig. 47:

bellum ,

Caes. B. G. 4, 16; Suet. Aug. 20; id. Tib. 9 al.:

exercitus ,

Tac. A. 1, 22; id. H. 1, 19; 26 al.:

expeditio (Caligulae ),

Suet. Calig. 43:

victoria ,

id. Vesp. 2: Calendae, i. e. the 1 st of September (named Germanicus on

account of the victory obtained over the Germans), Mart. 9, 2, 4 (cf.

Suet. Calig. 15; id. Dom. 13; and Macr. S. 1, 12):

persona ,

a clay figure of a German , as a bugbear for Roman children , Mart. 14,


2 .

Subst . : Germānĭcus , i, m.

a .

A surname of several generals who gained victories over the Germans .



Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus, the son of Livia , Suet. Claud. 1 sq.;

27; id. Vit. 8; id. Dom. 13; Spart. Carac. 5.—


Germanicus Caesar, son of the preceding , and brother of the emperor

Claudius , Suet. Cal. 1; Tac. A. 1, 35 al. He translated the Phaenomena of

Aratus, Lact. 1, 21, 38.—

b .

(sc. nummus), a gold coin struck by the emperor Domitian , Juv. 6, 205.—

D .

Ger-mānĭcĭānus , a, um, adj., stationed or serving in Germany (post-Aug.

and only milit.):

exercitus ,

Suet. Oth. 8; id. Vesp. 6; Eutr. 7, 11.—Also absol . : Germānĭciā-ni ,

ōrum, m., Suet. Tib. 25; Galb. 20.—

E .

Germānĭcĭensis , e, adj., German , Germanic , Cassiod. Hist. Eccl. 12, 4.

» Engineers Foundation of Ohio ( IEEE Standard Dictionary )

07/09/20 02:28 from Instapaper: enacademic

» Fiji - academic2.ru httpsift.tt3m4SBin For other uses...

httpsift.tt3bwvIzn Fiji ² -...

07/09/20 02:28 from Instapaper: enacademic

» Zimbabwe Tendai R. Mwanaka

07/09/20 02:17 from Publication digest

Zimbabwé — Zimbabwe Republic of Zimbabwe (en) Zimbabwe (fr) … Wikipédia

en Français ZIMBABWE — Le Zimbabwe (ex Rhodésie, ex Rhodésie du Sud) a

accédé à l'indépendance le 18 avril 1980, après une longue et douloureuse

guerre de libération nationale. Parmi les États d'Afrique australe issus

de la décolonisation, il occupe une place à…

* Zimbabwé — Zimbabwe Republic of Zimbabwe (en) Zimbabwe (fr) …

Wikipédia en Français

* ZIMBABWE — Le Zimbabwe (ex Rhodésie, ex Rhodésie du Sud) a accédé à

l'indépendance le 18 avril 1980, après une longue et douloureuse

guerre de libération nationale. Parmi les États d'Afrique australe

issus de la décolonisation, il occupe une place à part,… …

Encyclopédie Universelle

* ZIMBABWE — ZIMBABWE, formerly the British colony of Southern Rhodesia

and, briefly, the Republic of Rhodesia. Organized Jewish life in

Zimbabwe goes back to 1894 when about 20 Jews were among the

purchasers of land in Bulawayo. They established a… … Encyclopedia of


* Zimbabwe — [zim bäb′wā΄, zim bäb′wē΄] [after a ruined city in the SE

part, probably built ( c. 15th c.) by a Bantu people] country in S

Africa, north of South Africa and west of Mozambique: a self governing

British colony (as Southern Rhodesia) from 1923;… … English World


* Zimbabwe — (Zimbaoë), Ruinenstadt in Südafrika, s. Simbabye … Meyers

Großes Konversations-Lexikon

* Zimbabwe — southern African nation, 1980, named for an ancient city

there, from Bantu zimba we bahwe houses of stones, from zimba, plural

of imba house + bahwe stones. Previously known as Rhodesia (1964 80) …

Etymology dictionary

* Zimbabwe — Republic of Zimbabwe … Wikipedia

* Zimbabwe — Zimbabwean, adj., n. /zim bahb way, wee/, n. 1. Formerly,

Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia. a republic in S Africa: a former British

colony and part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland; gained

independence 1980. 11,423,175; 150,330 sq. mi.… … Universalium

* Zimbabwe — Republic of Zimbabwe (en) Zimbabwe (fr) … Wikipédia en


* Zimbabwe — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction

::Zimbabwe <p></p> Background: <p></p> The UK

annexed Southern Rhodesia from the [British] South Africa Company in

1923. A 1961 constitution was formulated that favored… … The World


* Zimbabwe — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige

Informationen: Religion in Simbabwe Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem

du sie recherchierst und einfügst … Deutsch Wikipedia

* Zimbabwe — Statue in Zurich of Ulrich Zwingli (1484 1531)

founder of the Reformation in German speaking Switzerland

(Institutefor The London Missionary Society (Congregational ists)

established the first work in what is now Zimbabwe among the Zulus …

Encyclopedia of Protestantism

* Zimbabwe — (República de Zimbabwe) ► Estado de África meridional.

Limita con Zambia al NO, Mozambique al E y NE, República de Sudáfrica

al S y Botswana al O. Su superficie es de 390 000 km2 con un total de

11 342 600 h. La capital es Harare. La moneda y el… … Enciclopedia


* Zimbabwe — Координаты: 19°01′00″ ю. ш. 30°01′00″ в. д. / 19.016667°

ю. ш. 30.016667° в. д. … Википедия

* Zimbabwe — Zim|ba|bwe a country in south central Africa, south of

Zambia and north of South Africa. Population: 11,365,000 (2001).

Capital: Harare. Zimbabwe was formerly called Rhodesia, and was ruled

by the British from 1889. In 1965 its white government… … Dictionary

of contemporary English

* Zimbabwe — noun a landlocked republic in south central Africa formerly

called Rhodesia; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1980

• Syn: ↑Republic of Zimbabwe, ↑Rhodesia, ↑Southern Rhodesia •

Derivationally related forms: ↑Rhodesian (for:… … Useful english


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/> agotar la paciencia; fastidiar; cf. chorear, sacar de quicio, sacar los

choros del canasto, hartar, colmo; este niñito me está colmando la

paciencia , no me colmes la paciencia, ¿quieres?

colmar la paciencia

agotar la paciencia; fastidiar; cf. chorear, sacar de quicio, sacar los

choros del canasto, hartar, colmo; este niñito me está colmando la

paciencia , no me colmes la paciencia, ¿quieres?

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Sufijo usado en bacteriología para la jerarquía Familia


Sufijo usado en bacteriología para la jerarquía Familia...


Sufijo usado en bacteriología para la jerarquía Familia

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an object made of short stiff hairs called ⚗ de ingles


/> Traducción — an object made of short stiff hairs called — de ingles — — 1

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Traducción — an object made of short stiff hairs called — de ingles —

Traducción — an object made of short stiff hairs called — de ingles — — 1

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Shevat - Enciclopedia Universal - EsAcademic.com


o Shvat (שְׁבָט; del acadio Šabātu la lluvia que golpea , por la

fuerza de las lluvias de este mes, las últimas del periodo inviernal

boreal), es el quinto mes ...


o Shvat (שְׁבָט; del acadio Šabātu la lluvia que golpea , por la fuerza de

las lluvias de este mes, las últimas del periodo inviernal boreal), es el

quinto mes del calendario hebreo moderno, que comienza con la Creación del

mundo, y el undécimo…

1 view01:32

Himno del Estado Mérida - Enciclopedia Universal - EsAcademic.com


Himno del Estado Mérida, Venezuela Letra: Antonio Febres Cordero Música:

Gil Antonio Gil CORO Con orgullo lancemos al viento la canción de la

tierra natal ...

Himno del Estado Mérida

Himno del Estado Mérida, Venezuela Letra: Antonio Febres Cordero Música:

Gil Antonio Gil CORO Con orgullo lancemos al viento la canción de la

tierra natal de confín a confín que resuene de la Sierra la marcha

triunfal I Del preciado laurel se…

1 view01:32

abr. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical


abr. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical...


abr. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

1 view01:32

Petrus Jacobus Joubert - Enciclopedia Universal - Esacademic


también conocido como Piet Joubert fue un militar y político sudafricano

que se desempeñó como Comandante General y Vicepresidente en su país.

Nació el ...

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico

Petrus Jacobus Joubert

también conocido como Piet Joubert fue un militar y político sudafricano

que se desempeñó como Comandante General y Vicepresidente en su país.

Nació el 20 de enero de 1831 en Prince Albert, Sudáfrica, en una familia

de granjeros y misioneros que…

1 view01:32

exprofesamente - Diccionario panhispánico de dudas


/> exprofesamente → ex profeso.


⊕ exprofesamente → ex profeso

1 view02:31

cida - Diccionario ecologico - EsAcademic.com


/> Sufijo que significa que mata a.


Sufijo que significa que mata a

1 view02:31


wigwam ⚗ de espanol


/> Traducción — wigwam — de espanol — — 1. Mira otros diccionarios: wigwam —

[ wigwam ] n. m. • 1688; mot angl., de l algonquin wikiwam « leur maison »

♦ Hutte ou tente des Indiens d Amérique du Nord; village indien.

Traducción — wigwam — de espanol —

Traducción — wigwam — de espanol — — 1

1 view02:31

Traducción — unisexual — de espanol


/> Traducción — unisexual — de espanol — — 1. Ex: Gender biases in existing

research is due to the generalization of results to both sexes using a

unisexual sample.

Traducción — unisexual — de espanol —

Traducción — unisexual — de espanol — — 1

1 view02:31


/> Traducción — 他把小孩抱在怀里 — — — 1

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico

Traducción — 他把小孩抱在怀里 — —

Traducción — 他把小孩抱在怀里 — — — 1

1 view02:31

Traducción — كوسبكتروم — de ruso


/> Traducción — كوسبكتروم — de ruso — — 1

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico

Traducción — كوسبكتروم — de ruso —

Traducción — كوسبكتروم — de ruso — — 1

1 view02:31




Recuerde sitio. Todos los idiomas Abjaso Adyghe Afrikaans Aimara Ainu

Akano Albanés Alemán Alsacien Antiguo eslavo oriental Árabe Aragonés

Armenio Asturiano Azerí Bagobo Baskir Bielorruso...

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico



1 view02:31

riñón - Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez" - Esacademic


«...pero se juega uno los bronquios, el pulmón y el corazón, aparte de

costarle un riñón, en el más exacto sentido...» José M.ª Zabalza, Letreros

de retrete y ...

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


riñón, costar un riñón expr. costar mucho, ser caro. ❙ «...pero se juega

uno los bronquios, el pulmón y el corazón, aparte de costarle un riñón, en

el más exacto sentido...» José M.ª Zabalza, Letreros de retrete y otras

zarandajas. ❘ ► costar,…

1 view02:31

Traducción — по климату — de japones


/> Traducción — по климату — de japones — — 1

Traducción — по климату — de japones —

Traducción — по климату — de japones — — 1

1 view02:32

FPP | Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


Falta de progresión del parto Fecha probable del parto Fracción de

proteínas plasmáticas...


Falta de progresión del parto Fecha probable del parto Fracción de

proteínas plasmáticas

1 view02:32

сэсэкомасий ⚗ de japones


/> Traducción — сэсэкомасий — de japones — — 1. 家がせせこましく立ち並んでいる дома стоят

впритык друг к другу;

via esacademic.com

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico

Traducción — сэсэкомасий — de japones —

Traducción — сэсэкомасий — de japones — — 1

1 view02:32



Detected change on https://zzap.run/s/fracademiccom

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/3err2LK delivered by deltaFeed

3.11K photos


This media is not supported in your browser


1 view00:52



Detected change on https://altt.me/s/academic2ru

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/37QruAK delivered by deltaFeed

efecto - Diccionario de motivos de la Lengua Española


(l. effectu) 1) m. Resultado de la acción de una causa hacer efecto dar el

resultado deseado; fig., deslumbrar con su aspecto o presentación; surtir

efecto en ...

via Academic summary

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


(l. effectu) 1) m. Resultado de la acción de una causa hacer efecto dar el

resultado deseado; fig., deslumbrar con su aspecto o presentación; surtir

efecto en términos administrativos. 2) Impresión causada en el ánimo. 3)

Fin para que se hace una

1 view02:23



Detected change on https://zzap.run/s/formaodezhdaru

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/2NkRFGl delivered by deltaFeed

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin



/> Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin

/> VK


Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!

1 view02:31

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin



/> Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin

/> VK


Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!

1 view02:31

Назначение External lin



/> Назначение External lin

/> VK



1 view02:32

Куртка N-3B Parka Sage Green Alpha Industries


/> - forma-odezhda.ru

via forma video

Куртка N-3B Parka Sage Green Alpha Industries

Внешняя ткань Авиационый нейлон , обработанный водоотталкивающей пропиткой

DuPont Type 6-6 Утеплитель 100 полиэстерное волокно Парка N-3B от Alpha

была разработана для летных экипажей и обслуживающего персонала,

работающих в экстремальных условиях…

1 view02:39



Костюм мужской Охрана черный


/> - forma-odezhda.ru

via forma video

Костюм мужской Охрана черный

Куртка и брюки . Куртка с застежкой на молнию, погонами. На рукаве

накладной карман на молнии, внутренний карман для документов. Брюки с

отстроченными стрелками и шлевками под широкий ремень . Пол мужской Сезон

лето Основной цвет черный …

1 view02:39

Forma-odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) - Пост #223736


/> 5 hours ago - formaodezhdaru: Forma-Odezhda.ru (Twitter) - Публикация на

Telegram Analytics.

via forma video


Forma-odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) - Пост #223736

@formaodezhdaru: Forma-Odezhda.ru (Twitter) - Публикация на Telegram


1 view02:39

@deacademiccom posted a video



via forma video




Detected change on https://f-rkn.com/s/academic2ru

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/37NHwvf delivered by deltaFeed

efecto - Diccionario de motivos de la Lengua Española


(l. effectu) 1) m. Resultado de la acción de una causa hacer efecto dar el

resultado deseado; fig., deslumbrar con su aspecto o presentación; surtir

efecto en ...

via Academic summary

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


(l. effectu) 1) m. Resultado de la acción de una causa hacer efecto dar el

resultado deseado; fig., deslumbrar con su aspecto o presentación; surtir

efecto en términos administrativos. 2) Impresión causada en el ánimo. 3)

Fin para que se hace una

1 view02:23



Detected change on https://tlg.fyi/s/academic2ru

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/3dDzas1 delivered by deltaFeed

efecto - Diccionario de motivos de la Lengua Española


(l. effectu) 1) m. Resultado de la acción de una causa hacer efecto dar el

resultado deseado; fig., deslumbrar con su aspecto o presentación; surtir

efecto en ...

via Academic summary

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


(l. effectu) 1) m. Resultado de la acción de una causa hacer efecto dar el

resultado deseado; fig., deslumbrar con su aspecto o presentación; surtir

efecto en términos administrativos. 2) Impresión causada en el ánimo. 3)

Fin para que se hace una

1 view02:23



Detected change on https://xn--r1a.website/s/fracademiccom

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/3d2wHav delivered by deltaFeed

3.11K photos


This media is not supported in your browser


1 view00:52



Detected change on https://xn--r1a.website/s/formaodezhdaru

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/3hQb6os delivered by deltaFeed

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin



/> Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin

/> VK


Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!

1 view02:31

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin



/> Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin

/> VK


Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!

1 view02:31

Назначение External lin



/> Назначение External lin

/> VK



1 view02:32

Куртка N-3B Parka Sage Green Alpha Industries


/> - forma-odezhda.ru

via forma video

Куртка N-3B Parka Sage Green Alpha Industries

Внешняя ткань Авиационый нейлон , обработанный водоотталкивающей пропиткой

DuPont Type 6-6 Утеплитель 100 полиэстерное волокно Парка N-3B от Alpha

была разработана для летных экипажей и обслуживающего персонала,

работающих в экстремальных условиях…

1 view02:39



Костюм мужской Охрана черный


/> - forma-odezhda.ru

via forma video

Костюм мужской Охрана черный

Куртка и брюки . Куртка с застежкой на молнию, погонами. На рукаве

накладной карман на молнии, внутренний карман для документов. Брюки с

отстроченными стрелками и шлевками под широкий ремень . Пол мужской Сезон

лето Основной цвет черный …

1 view02:39

Forma-odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) - Пост #223736


/> 5 hours ago - formaodezhdaru: Forma-Odezhda.ru (Twitter) - Публикация на

Telegram Analytics.

via forma video


Forma-odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) - Пост #223736

@formaodezhdaru: Forma-Odezhda.ru (Twitter) - Публикация на Telegram


1 view02:39

@deacademiccom posted a video



via forma video




Detected change on https://xn--r1a.website/s/academic2ru

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/2BnfDOp delivered by deltaFeed

efecto - Diccionario de motivos de la Lengua Española


(l. effectu) 1) m. Resultado de la acción de una causa hacer efecto dar el

resultado deseado; fig., deslumbrar con su aspecto o presentación; surtir

efecto en ...

via Academic summary

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


(l. effectu) 1) m. Resultado de la acción de una causa hacer efecto dar el

resultado deseado; fig., deslumbrar con su aspecto o presentación; surtir

efecto en términos administrativos. 2) Impresión causada en el ánimo. 3)

Fin para que se hace una

1 view02:23



Detected change on https://telete.in/s/esacademiccom

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/2YlxqyH delivered by deltaFeed

45.5K links

colmar la paciencia - chileno.esacademic.com


/> agotar la paciencia; fastidiar; cf. chorear, sacar de quicio, sacar los

choros del canasto, hartar, colmo; este niñito me está colmando la

paciencia , no me colmes la paciencia, ¿quieres?

colmar la paciencia

agotar la paciencia; fastidiar; cf. chorear, sacar de quicio, sacar los

choros del canasto, hartar, colmo; este niñito me está colmando la

paciencia , no me colmes la paciencia, ¿quieres?

1 view01:32

Sufijo usado en bacteriología para la jerarquía Familia


Sufijo usado en bacteriología para la jerarquía Familia...


Sufijo usado en bacteriología para la jerarquía Familia

1 view01:32

an object made of short stiff hairs called ⚗ de ingles


/> Traducción — an object made of short stiff hairs called — de ingles — — 1

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico

Traducción — an object made of short stiff hairs called — de ingles —

Traducción — an object made of short stiff hairs called — de ingles — — 1

1 view01:32



/> Traducción — am — — — 1. Link directo … Do a right-click on the link above

and select "Copy Link" and select "Copy Link"

Traducción — am — —

Traducción — am — — — 1

1 view01:32


Shevat - Enciclopedia Universal - EsAcademic.com


o Shvat (שְׁבָט; del acadio Šabātu la lluvia que golpea , por la

fuerza de las lluvias de este mes, las últimas del periodo inviernal

boreal), es el quinto mes ...


o Shvat (שְׁבָט; del acadio Šabātu la lluvia que golpea , por la fuerza de

las lluvias de este mes, las últimas del periodo inviernal boreal), es el

quinto mes del calendario hebreo moderno, que comienza con la Creación del

mundo, y el undécimo…

1 view01:32

Himno del Estado Mérida - Enciclopedia Universal - EsAcademic.com


Himno del Estado Mérida, Venezuela Letra: Antonio Febres Cordero Música:

Gil Antonio Gil CORO Con orgullo lancemos al viento la canción de la

tierra natal ...

Himno del Estado Mérida

Himno del Estado Mérida, Venezuela Letra: Antonio Febres Cordero Música:

Gil Antonio Gil CORO Con orgullo lancemos al viento la canción de la

tierra natal de confín a confín que resuene de la Sierra la marcha

triunfal I Del preciado laurel se…

1 view01:32

abr. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical


abr. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical...


abr. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

1 view01:32

Petrus Jacobus Joubert - Enciclopedia Universal - Esacademic


también conocido como Piet Joubert fue un militar y político sudafricano

que se desempeñó como Comandante General y Vicepresidente en su país.

Nació el ...

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico

Petrus Jacobus Joubert

también conocido como Piet Joubert fue un militar y político sudafricano

que se desempeñó como Comandante General y Vicepresidente en su país.

Nació el 20 de enero de 1831 en Prince Albert, Sudáfrica, en una familia

de granjeros y misioneros que…

1 view01:32

exprofesamente - Diccionario panhispánico de dudas


/> exprofesamente → ex profeso.


⊕ exprofesamente → ex profeso

1 view02:31

cida - Diccionario ecologico - EsAcademic.com


/> Sufijo que significa que mata a.


Sufijo que significa que mata a

1 view02:31


wigwam ⚗ de espanol


/> Traducción — wigwam — de espanol — — 1. Mira otros diccionarios: wigwam —

[ wigwam ] n. m. • 1688; mot angl., de l algonquin wikiwam « leur maison »

♦ Hutte ou tente des Indiens d Amérique du Nord; village indien.

Traducción — wigwam — de espanol —

Traducción — wigwam — de espanol — — 1

1 view02:31

Traducción — unisexual — de espanol


/> Traducción — unisexual — de espanol — — 1. Ex: Gender biases in existing

research is due to the generalization of results to both sexes using a

unisexual sample.

Traducción — unisexual — de espanol —

Traducción — unisexual — de espanol — — 1

1 view02:31


/> Traducción — 他把小孩抱在怀里 — — — 1

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico

Traducción — 他把小孩抱在怀里 — —

Traducción — 他把小孩抱在怀里 — — — 1

1 view02:31

Traducción — كوسبكتروم — de ruso


/> Traducción — كوسبكتروم — de ruso — — 1

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico

Traducción — كوسبكتروم — de ruso —

Traducción — كوسبكتروم — de ruso — — 1

1 view02:31




Recuerde sitio. Todos los idiomas Abjaso Adyghe Afrikaans Aimara Ainu

Akano Albanés Alemán Alsacien Antiguo eslavo oriental Árabe Aragonés

Armenio Asturiano Azerí Bagobo Baskir Bielorruso...

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico



1 view02:31

riñón - Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez" - Esacademic


«...pero se juega uno los bronquios, el pulmón y el corazón, aparte de

costarle un riñón, en el más exacto sentido...» José M.ª Zabalza, Letreros

de retrete y ...

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


riñón, costar un riñón expr. costar mucho, ser caro. ❙ «...pero se juega

uno los bronquios, el pulmón y el corazón, aparte de costarle un riñón, en

el más exacto sentido...» José M.ª Zabalza, Letreros de retrete y otras

zarandajas. ❘ ► costar,…

1 view02:31

Traducción — по климату — de japones


/> Traducción — по климату — de japones — — 1

Traducción — по климату — de japones —

Traducción — по климату — de japones — — 1

1 view02:32

FPP | Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


Falta de progresión del parto Fecha probable del parto Fracción de

proteínas plasmáticas...


Falta de progresión del parto Fecha probable del parto Fracción de

proteínas plasmáticas

1 view02:32

сэсэкомасий ⚗ de japones


/> Traducción — сэсэкомасий — de japones — — 1. 家がせせこましく立ち並んでいる дома стоят

впритык друг к другу;

via esacademic.com

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico

Traducción — сэсэкомасий — de japones —

Traducción — сэсэкомасий — de japones — — 1

1 view02:32



Detected change on https://telete.in/s/formaodezhdaru

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/2Dh20RT delivered by deltaFeed

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin



/> Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin

/> VK


Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!

1 view02:31

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin



/> Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin

/> VK


Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!

1 view02:31

Назначение External lin



/> Назначение External lin

/> VK



1 view02:32

Куртка N-3B Parka Sage Green Alpha Industries


/> - forma-odezhda.ru

via forma video

Куртка N-3B Parka Sage Green Alpha Industries

Внешняя ткань Авиационый нейлон , обработанный водоотталкивающей пропиткой

DuPont Type 6-6 Утеплитель 100 полиэстерное волокно Парка N-3B от Alpha

была разработана для летных экипажей и обслуживающего персонала,

работающих в экстремальных условиях…

1 view02:39



Костюм мужской Охрана черный


/> - forma-odezhda.ru

via forma video

Костюм мужской Охрана черный

Куртка и брюки . Куртка с застежкой на молнию, погонами. На рукаве

накладной карман на молнии, внутренний карман для документов. Брюки с

отстроченными стрелками и шлевками под широкий ремень . Пол мужской Сезон

лето Основной цвет черный …

1 view02:39

Forma-odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) - Пост #223736


/> 5 hours ago - formaodezhdaru: Forma-Odezhda.ru (Twitter) - Публикация на

Telegram Analytics.

via forma video


Forma-odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) - Пост #223736

@formaodezhdaru: Forma-Odezhda.ru (Twitter) - Публикация на Telegram


1 view02:39

@deacademiccom posted a video



via forma video




Detected change on https://telete.in/s/enacademic

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/2Yjm2TS delivered by deltaFeed

36.9K photos


Detected change on https://telegram.me/s/academic2ru

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/2WK3SZj delivered by deltaFeed

efecto - Diccionario de motivos de la Lengua Española


(l. effectu) 1) m. Resultado de la acción de una causa hacer efecto dar el

resultado deseado; fig., deslumbrar con su aspecto o presentación; surtir

efecto en ...

via Academic summary

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


(l. effectu) 1) m. Resultado de la acción de una causa hacer efecto dar el

resultado deseado; fig., deslumbrar con su aspecto o presentación; surtir

efecto en términos administrativos. 2) Impresión causada en el ánimo. 3)

Fin para que se hace una

1 view02:23



Detected change on https://tlg.repair/s/formaodezhdaru

Sep 7th 2020, 02:48

This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/3dfghed delivered by deltaFeed

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin



/> Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin

/> VK


Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!

1 view02:31

Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin



/> Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin

/> VK


Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now!

1 view02:31

Назначение External lin



/> Назначение External lin

/> VK



1 view02:32

Куртка N-3B Parka Sage Green Alpha Industries


/> - forma-odezhda.ru

via forma video

Куртка N-3B Parka Sage Green Alpha Industries

Внешняя ткань Авиационый нейлон , обработанный водоотталкивающей пропиткой

DuPont Type 6-6 Утеплитель 100 полиэстерное волокно Парка N-3B от Alpha

была разработана для летных экипажей и обслуживающего персонала,

работающих в экстремальных условиях…

1 view02:39



Костюм мужской Охрана черный


/> - forma-odezhda.ru

via forma video

Костюм мужской Охрана черный

Куртка и брюки . Куртка с застежкой на молнию, погонами. На рукаве

накладной карман на молнии, внутренний карман для документов. Брюки с

отстроченными стрелками и шлевками под широкий ремень . Пол мужской Сезон

лето Основной цвет черный …

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Куртка N-3B Parka Sage Green Alpha Industries


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Куртка N-3B Parka Sage Green Alpha Industries

Внешняя ткань Авиационый нейлон , обработанный водоотталкивающей пропиткой

DuPont Type 6-6 Утеплитель 100 полиэстерное волокно Парка N-3B от Alpha

была разработана для летных экипажей и обслуживающего персонала,

работающих в экстремальных условиях…

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Костюм мужской Охрана черный


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Костюм мужской Охрана черный

Куртка и брюки . Куртка с застежкой на молнию, погонами. На рукаве

накладной карман на молнии, внутренний карман для документов. Брюки с

отстроченными стрелками и шлевками под широкий ремень . Пол мужской Сезон

лето Основной цвет черный …

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Forma-odezhda.ru (@formaodezhdaru) - Пост #223736


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Производитель Pupa - academic2.ru

Sep 7th 2020, 05:03


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RosHunter Купить - Форма одежды

Sep 7th 2020, 01:24

Одежда для охотников под торговой маркой «RosHunter» отличается высоким качеством изготовления и долговечностью в эксплуатации. Её давно ... Рейтинг: 5 - ‎1 голос

via forma-odezhda.ru 2020-09-07T00:27:44+00:00 from https://ift.tt/38OCgWV

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Водозащита и водонепроницаемость

Sep 7th 2020, 01:24

Аббревиатура WR (Water Reistant) - это показатель водозащиты, говорящий о способности часов работать в условиях повышенной влажности или под водой.Однако...

via forma-odezhda.ru 2020-09-07T00:27:45+00:00 from https://ift.tt/2JfL3qP

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Награды Министерства обороны Российской Федерации

Sep 7th 2020, 01:24

Награды Министерства обороны Российской Федерации ведомственные награды федерального органа исполнительной власти Российской Федерации Министерства обороны.

via forma-odezhda.ru 2020-09-07T00:27:49+00:00 from https://ift.tt/2XfiUGE

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Rechtsfähiger Verein kraft Verleihung

Sep 7th 2020, 01:49

Als Verein (Rückbildung aus vereinen) bezeichnet man eine Personenvereinigung, die auf Dauer angelegt ist, einen eigenen Namen führt und in der sich Personen von wechselndem Bestand zu einem bestimmten gemeinsamen, durch Satzung festgelegten…

via deacademic.com 2020-09-07T00:34:48+00:00 from https://ift.tt/2Zf6LmW

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Pumpel - Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache - DeAcademic

Sep 7th 2020, 01:49

PumpelInf Vagina.⇨pumpeln;⇨Pumpe4.1800ff,vorwiegendoberd. PumpelIIm 1.beleibter,untersetzterMensch.⇨Pummel1.Seitdem19.Jh. 2.unbeholfener ...

via deacademic.com 2020-09-07T01:34:47+00:00 from https://umgangssprache_de.deacademic.com/19834/Pumpel

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Engineers Foundation of Ohio ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary )

Sep 7th 2020, 01:49

Engineers Foundation of Ohio ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary...

via deacademic.com 2020-09-07T01:34:48+00:00 from https://ift.tt/323RS93

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KLV | Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias

Sep 7th 2020, 01:49

Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia internationale Flughafen Kennung...

via deacademic.com 2020-09-07T01:34:50+00:00 from https://ift.tt/2ZbJt1z

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FTG | Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias

Sep 7th 2020, 01:49

Sich die Webseite zu merken. Alle Sprachen Abchasisch Adyghe Afrikaans Ainu Akan Albanisch Alsacien Altaische Sprachen Altostslawische Sprache Arabisch Aragonese Armenisch Aromunische...

via deacademic.com 2020-09-07T01:34:53+00:00 from https://ift.tt/2Ze4clb

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Takoradi, Ghana internationale Flughafen Kennung

Sep 7th 2020, 01:49

Takoradi, Ghana internationale Flughafen Kennung...

via deacademic.com 2020-09-07T01:34:54+00:00 from https://ift.tt/3bAN0es

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Sep 7th 2020, 01:49

Sich die Webseite zu merken. Alle Sprachen Abchasisch Adyghe Afrikaans Ainu Akan Albanisch Alsacien Altaische Sprachen Altostslawische Sprache Arabisch Aragonese Armenisch Aromunische...

via deacademic.com 2020-09-07T01:34:55+00:00 from https://ift.tt/3lW8De7

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Metazoa - Universal-Lexikon - DeAcademic

Sep 7th 2020, 01:49

[griechisch zõon »Lebewesen«], Singular Metazoon das, s, Metazoen, Vielzeller, Unterreich der Tiere, dem alle Tiere angehören, die ein differenziertes Gewebe ...

via deacademic.com 2020-09-07T01:34:56+00:00 from https://universal_lexikon.deacademic.com/272636/Metazoa

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autosomal - medizin.deacademic.com

Sep 7th 2020, 01:49

au|to|soma̱l: das Autosom betreffend. Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach: Autosomal — Als Autosomen werden in der Genetik jene Chromosomen bezeichnet, die nicht zu den Geschlechtschromosomen (Gonosomen) gehören. Menschen haben …

via deacademic.com 2020-09-07T01:34:58+00:00 from https://ift.tt/3gkAX6A

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Softt Switch Network Application Programming Interface

Sep 7th 2020, 01:49

Softt Switch Network Application Programming Interface...

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non abbiamo sole da due giorni ⚗

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — non abbiamo sole da due giorni — de l'italien — — 1

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:31+00:00 from https://ift.tt/2QBveOx

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Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Regardez d'autres dictionnaires: Agrocarburant — Biocarburant La canne à sucre peut être utilisée pour produire des agrocarburants. Un biocarburant ou ...

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:32+00:00 from https://mots_fr.fracademic.com/148

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I shall lose no time in doing it ⚗

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — i shall lose no time in doing it — du russe — sur l'anglais — 1

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:34+00:00 from https://ift.tt/3jRLE1Z

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een pijp uitkloppen - Deens-Russisch woordenboek

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

een pijp uitkloppen vider une pipe.

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:35+00:00 from http://dutch_french_big.fracademic.com/26181/een_pijp_uitkloppen

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history of influenza epidemics and discovery of …

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — history of influenza epidemics and discovery of influenza virus — du français — — 1

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:39+00:00 from https://ift.tt/32HqhcH

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omra - Encyclopédie Universelle - Fracademic.com

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

n. f. Visite des lieux saints de l Islam effectuée en dehors de la période de pèlerinage (hadj)

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:41+00:00 from http://encyclopedie_universelle.fracademic.com/180322/omra

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ale ⚗

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — ale — de l'haïtien — — 1

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сборник для оттеков ⚗

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — сборник для оттеков — — sur l'anglais — 1

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:45+00:00 from https://ift.tt/2F71BlR

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Asbestos - Encyclopédie Universelle - Fracademic.com

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

v. du Canada (Québec); 6 480 hab. Importante mine d amiante.

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:51+00:00 from https://encyclopedie_universelle.fracademic.com/170403/Asbestos

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разделительная камера сгорания sur l'anglais

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Retenir le site. Toutes les langues Abkhaze Adyguéen Afrikaans Ainu Akan Albanais Allemand Alsacien Anglais Arabe Aragonais Arménien Aroumain Asturien Aymara Azéri Bachkir Bagobo Basque...

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:52+00:00 from https://ift.tt/3bxVXoS

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側 ⚗

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — 側 — de l'anglais — — 36

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non abbiamo sole da due giorni ⚗

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — non abbiamo sole da due giorni — de l'italien — — 1

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:31+00:00 from https://ift.tt/2QBveOx

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Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Regardez d'autres dictionnaires: Agrocarburant — Biocarburant La canne à sucre peut être utilisée pour produire des agrocarburants. Un biocarburant ou ...

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:32+00:00 from https://mots_fr.fracademic.com/148

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I shall lose no time in doing it ⚗

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — i shall lose no time in doing it — du russe — sur l'anglais — 1

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:34+00:00 from https://ift.tt/3jRLE1Z

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een pijp uitkloppen - Deens-Russisch woordenboek

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

een pijp uitkloppen vider une pipe.

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:35+00:00 from http://dutch_french_big.fracademic.com/26181/een_pijp_uitkloppen

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history of influenza epidemics and discovery of …

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — history of influenza epidemics and discovery of influenza virus — du français — — 1

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:39+00:00 from https://ift.tt/32HqhcH

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omra - Encyclopédie Universelle - Fracademic.com

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

n. f. Visite des lieux saints de l Islam effectuée en dehors de la période de pèlerinage (hadj)

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:41+00:00 from http://encyclopedie_universelle.fracademic.com/180322/omra

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ale ⚗

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — ale — de l'haïtien — — 1

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:44+00:00 from https://ift.tt/3gZrfWY

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сборник для оттеков ⚗

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — сборник для оттеков — — sur l'anglais — 1

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:45+00:00 from https://ift.tt/2F71BlR

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Asbestos - Encyclopédie Universelle - Fracademic.com

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

v. du Canada (Québec); 6 480 hab. Importante mine d amiante.

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:51+00:00 from https://encyclopedie_universelle.fracademic.com/170403/Asbestos

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разделительная камера сгорания sur l'anglais

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Retenir le site. Toutes les langues Abkhaze Adyguéen Afrikaans Ainu Akan Albanais Allemand Alsacien Anglais Arabe Aragonais Arménien Aroumain Asturien Aymara Azéri Bachkir Bagobo Basque...

via fracademic.com 2020-09-07T01:50:52+00:00 from https://ift.tt/3bxVXoS

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側 ⚗

Sep 7th 2020, 02:47

Traduction — 側 — de l'anglais — — 36

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Abbreviations dictionary. NKN-neurokinin ... Medical dictionary via esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; -nkn- - (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; -nkn- - 1 https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : analogindex https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Serendeputy. via forma full 5https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; . IFTTT:https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : -... /channel/esacademiccom/45472 ... enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com (http://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/) https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik ( ) () () () () esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; -Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Acadmico (https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik) ( ) () () () () https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; -.Ru Deut Deuter 2015 Aircontact Aircontact 45 10... /channel/enacademic/1107816https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; -.Ru deut Deuter 2015 aircontact aircontact 45 10 Black-titan . ... (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted English: English nkn https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Translation nkn English 1. Look at others... /channel/esacademiccom/45474 English nkn https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Translation nkn English 1. See other dictionaries: NKN-National Kart News (Community quot;Sports) Nankina Papua New Guinea (Regionalquot; Airport Codes) NeoKarate Network (Community quot; Sports) ... Abbreviations dictionary. NKN-neurokinin ... Medical dictionary via esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Translation - NKN-English - - dictionaries and encyclopedias about the academic (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Translation - NKN English - 1 https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted forma-odezhda.ru Bates ( ) Bates 60 . Bates . BATES [Read more...](https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted English: Frederick -... /channel/esacademiccom/45472 Frederick - enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com (http://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/) https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik (as used in expressions) Alexanderson Ernst F(rederik) W(erner) Frederik Hendrik Willem Frederik Willem Frederik George Lodewijk Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel Klerk F(rederik) W(illem) de by esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Friedrich - Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Acadmico (https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik) (as used in expressions) Alexanderson Ernst F(rederik) W(erner) Frederik Hendrik Willem Frederik Willem Frederik George Lodewijk Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel Klerk F(rederik) W(illem) de https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsortedhttps://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; FORMA-ODEZHDA.RU Deuter 2015 Aircontact Aircontact 45 10... /channel/enacademic/1107816https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; FORMA-ODEZHDA.RU Deuter 2015 Aircontact Aircontact 45 10 black-titan . ... (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; via vk digest https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted nkn de ingleshttps://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Traduccin nkn de ingles 1. Mira otros... /channel/esacademiccom/45474 nkn de ingleshttps://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Traduccin nkn de ingles 1. Mira otros diccionarios: NKN National Kart News (Community Sports) Nankina Papua New Guinea (Regional Airport Codes) NeoKarate Network (Community Sports) Abbreviations dictionary. NKN neurokinin Medical dictionary via esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Traduccin nkn de ingles - Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Acadmico (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Traduccin nkn de ingles 1 https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; formaodezhdarutgstat.com/channel/@forma...:... /channel/enacademic/1107813https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; (formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; tgstat.com/channel/@forma... (formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Forma-Odezhda.ru - (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; : formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; /channel/enacademic/1107814https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; : formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; tgstat.com (formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; : formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; (Analogindex.ru) (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Analogindex.ru - (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted english_german.deacademic.com amp;rsaquo;... /channel/deacademiccom/65372 english_german.deacademic.com Glorious_Revolution http://english_german.deacademic.com/102052/Glorious_Revolution Glorious Revolution n no pl BRIT HIST the Glorious Revolution die Glorreiche Revolution. via deacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted enacademic.com Enacademic.com - Enacademic: Academic Dictionaries and... Enacademic.com Website... /channel/enacademiccom/70372 enacademic.com Enacademic.com - Enacademic: Academic Dictionaries and... (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Enacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 Website Analysis (Review). Enacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 has 4188 daily visitors and has the potential to earn up to 503 USD per month by showing ads. See traffic statistics for more information. Enacademic.com - Enacademic: Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias - Hupso (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Enacademic.com traffic statistics monthly earnings and website value. Discover websites similar to Enacademic.com. https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted Simple Network Paging Protocol Version 1(b). A. Gwinn. January 1994https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Simple... /channel/deacademiccom/65374 Simple Network Paging Protocol Version 1(b). A. Gwinn. January 1994https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Simple Network Paging Protocol Version 1(b). A. Gwinn. January 1994... via deacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; RFC 1568 - Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Simple Network Paging Protocol Version 1(b). A. Gwinn. January 1994 Detected change on http://feed-informer-com.aurebeshtranslator.net/widgets/Y1OHYUZUPY Sep 7th 2020 03:29 This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/31VKCMC delivered by deltaFeed https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted Frederik -... /channel/esacademiccom/45472 Frederik - enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com (http://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/) https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik (as used in expressions) Alexanderson Ernst F(rederik) W(erner) Frederik Hendrik Willem Frederik Willem Frederik George Lodewijk Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel Klerk F(rederik) W(illem) de via esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Frederik - Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Acadmico (https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik) (as used in expressions) Alexanderson Ernst F(rederik) W(erner) Frederik Hendrik Willem Frederik Willem Frederik George Lodewijk Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel Klerk F(rederik) W(illem) de https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsortedhttps://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; External link: formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; /channel/enacademic/1107814https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; External link: formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; tgstat.com (formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Media Article: formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; (Analogindex.ru) (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; via vk digest Analogindex.ru - VK (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted English: esacademic.com 2 WebView Telegramhttps://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Downtown or Coast department... /channel/esacademiccom/45469 esacademic.com 2 WebView Telegramhttps://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Department of Central or Cote d'ivoire next to the Liberian border; 5585 km2 and 117179 H. Cap. C. homonym (19608 H) via esacademic.com. _-- Delivered by Feed43 service https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted - @enacademiccom posted a video /channel/enacademiccom/70370 https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : english_german.deacademic.com amp;rsaquo;... /channel/deacademiccom/65372 english_german.deacademic.com quot; Glorious_Revolution http://english_german.deacademic.com/102052/Glorious_Revolution Glo rious Revo lulu tion n no pl BRIT HIST Glorious die Glorreiche Revolution. deacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : NKN ingles https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; nkn 1. ... /channel/esacademiccom/45474 NKN ingles https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; nkn 1. : NKN-National Kart News (Community Sports) Nankina - ( Airport Codes) NeoKarate Network (Community Sports) ... Abbreviations dictionary. NKN-neurokinin ... Medical dictionary via esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; -nkn- - (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; -nkn- - 1 https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : analogindex https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Serendeputy. via forma full 5https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; . IFTTT:https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : -... /channel/esacademiccom/45472 ... enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com (http://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/) https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik ( ) () () () () esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; -Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Acadmico (https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik) ( ) () () () () https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; -.Ru Deut Deuter 2015 Aircontact Aircontact 45 10... /channel/enacademic/1107816https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; -.Ru deut Deuter 2015 aircontact aircontact 45 10 Black-titan . ... (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted English: English nkn https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Translation nkn English 1. Look at others... /channel/esacademiccom/45474 English nkn https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Translation nkn English 1. See other dictionaries: NKN-National Kart News (Community quot;Sports) Nankina Papua New Guinea (Regionalquot; Airport Codes) NeoKarate Network (Community quot; Sports) ... Abbreviations dictionary. NKN-neurokinin ... Medical dictionary via esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Translation - NKN-English - - dictionaries and encyclopedias about the academic (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Translation - NKN English - 1 https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted forma-odezhda.ru Bates ( ) Bates 60 . Bates . BATES [Read more...](https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted English: Frederick -... /channel/esacademiccom/45472 Frederick - enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com (http://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/) https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik (as used in expressions) Alexanderson Ernst F(rederik) W(erner) Frederik Hendrik Willem Frederik Willem Frederik George Lodewijk Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel Klerk F(rederik) W(illem) de by esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Friedrich - Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Acadmico (https://enciclopedia_universal.esacademic.com/148550/Frederik) (as used in expressions) Alexanderson Ernst F(rederik) W(erner) Frederik Hendrik Willem Frederik Willem Frederik George Lodewijk Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel Klerk F(rederik) W(illem) de https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsortedhttps://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; FORMA-ODEZHDA.RU Deuter 2015 Aircontact Aircontact 45 10... /channel/enacademic/1107816https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; FORMA-ODEZHDA.RU Deuter 2015 Aircontact Aircontact 45 10 black-titan . ... (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; via vk digest https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted nkn de ingleshttps://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Traduccin nkn de ingles 1. Mira otros... /channel/esacademiccom/45474 nkn de ingleshttps://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Traduccin nkn de ingles 1. Mira otros diccionarios: NKN National Kart News (Community Sports) Nankina Papua New Guinea (Regional Airport Codes) NeoKarate Network (Community Sports) Abbreviations dictionary. NKN neurokinin Medical dictionary via esacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Traduccin nkn de ingles - Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Acadmico (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Traduccin nkn de ingles 1 https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; formaodezhdarutgstat.com/channel/@forma...:... /channel/enacademic/1107813https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; (formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; tgstat.com/channel/@forma... (formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Forma-Odezhda.ru - (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted : https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; : formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; /channel/enacademic/1107814https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; : formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; tgstat.com (formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; : formaodezhdaru/224074quot; rel=quot;nofollowquot;gt;https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; (Analogindex.ru) (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Analogindex.ru - (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted english_german.deacademic.com amp;rsaquo;... /channel/deacademiccom/65372 english_german.deacademic.com Glorious_Revolution http://english_german.deacademic.com/102052/Glorious_Revolution Glorious Revolution n no pl BRIT HIST the Glorious Revolution die Glorreiche Revolution. via deacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted enacademic.com Enacademic.com - Enacademic: Academic Dictionaries and... Enacademic.com Website... /channel/enacademiccom/70372 enacademic.com Enacademic.com - Enacademic: Academic Dictionaries and... (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Enacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 Website Analysis (Review). Enacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 has 4188 daily visitors and has the potential to earn up to 503 USD per month by showing ads. See traffic statistics for more information. Enacademic.com - Enacademic: Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias - Hupso (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Enacademic.com traffic statistics monthly earnings and website value. Discover websites similar to Enacademic.com. https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; 07/09/20 03:00 from Telegram- enacademicgroup - Enacademic: Unsorted Simple Network Paging Protocol Version 1(b). A. Gwinn. January 1994https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Simple... /channel/deacademiccom/65374 Simple Network Paging Protocol Version 1(b). A. Gwinn. January 1994https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Simple Network Paging Protocol Version 1(b). A. Gwinn. January 1994... via deacademic.com (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; RFC 1568 - Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias (https://t.me/enacademicgroup/2378368 /gt; Simple Network Paging Protocol Version 1(b). A. Gwinn. January 1994 Detected change on https://morss.it/:html/feed.informer.com/digests/0YBNWPISKE/feeder.atom Sep 7th 2020 03:29 This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/3gI71Bb delivered by deltaFeed http://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/voennye-chiny-i-znaki-razlichiya-armii-napoleona/ /gt; Link: http://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/voennye-chiny-i-znaki-razlichiya-armii-napoleona/ /gt; http://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/voennye-chiny-i-znaki-razlichiya-armii-napoleona/ More information lt;a href=quot;http://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/voennye-chiny-i-znaki-razlichiya-armii-napoleona/ tags linkers tweeters and related docslt;/agt; on Serendeputy. 2020-09-06T23:59:30Zurn:uuid:eda31194-3e5b-6881-a1ae-3a189a83bb99 -. . : . : (gndir fusilir vltigur); - p (crbinir chssur vltigur). : y p ycp (crbinir cuirssir drgn chssur hussrd chvulgr). : (1- 2- ) (l- 2- ) (cnni spu pntniu minu) . . - ( ) : (cprl; 8 10 1- 2- ) (srgnt; 4 ) (srgnt-mjr; 1 ). : (brigdir; 4 8 ) (mrchl-ds-lgis; 2 4 ) (mrchl-ds-lgis chf; 1 ). - (djudnt-sus-fficir) - . - . - ( ) ( ) ( ) . ; . apo (-). . ( ) ; . ( ) . - ( ) . ( --) ( -- ) -- ( - ) - . - . : - (sus-liutnnt) (. liutnnt - ) . (liutnnt) (). K (cpitin) ( ). (chf-d-btilln) ( ); (chf-d'scdrn) ( ). (mjr) - - . (cln1) . 1- 2- 1- 2- . : djint l'tt-mjr - djudnt-cmmndnt - ( ). . : - . - ; - . - ; . ( ) ( ). ( - - ). . . ( ). ( ) . - . . 9- 12- . ; : . - ( ) - - . ( ) - - . : . . - . - - ( -). : (gnrl d brigd) - ( ). (gnrl d divisin) - ( ). 1804 . (19 ) 14 . 12 . . 1803. . . . ; . . 5 ; . - . ( ..). 6 7- 8- . . ( ). : - - 6 . - 4 . 8 ( . . 4 ) . . . - . () . - ( ) . : ( ). - . ( ) . : pp p pp p . . - . 2- 1- (1iutnnt n scnd liutnnt n prmir) () . . . . (mjr d l Grd) . . ( ) (clnl n scnd). . (clnl d l Grd impril) ( ) ( pp). - . (clnl n scnd). - (clnl gnrl d l Grd Impril). ( pp p). Hp - . (l mrchl d l'mpir) ; . Central European () Woodland 90- . 1953 . 1796-1815 . . . 1777 141 . . 1796-1815 . 1- 1812 . 2-3- . . 1796-1815 . - - . 1791 . . 10 1801 1- 1- -. 12 1802 2- 3- 4- -23 1802 -5- 1796-1815 . Ancien Rgime 1789 79 23 . 1 1791 . . . 1940 1940 . 1915 . . . 1940 502- 1940 . 2- 1941 2- 1941 . . 1925 . . () 1914-1918 Detected change on https://feed.informer.com/widgets/M8FYOXXKYL Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/3fc4HCb delivered by deltaFeed Regard 07/09/20 02:57 from Puplication digest Regard 1 regard [ r()gar ] n. m. regart 980; de regarder 1 Action manire de diriger les yeux vers un objet afin de le voir; expression des yeux de la personne qui regarde. Le regard humain. Les voleurs les espions les amants les diplomates enfin Encyclopdie Universelle 2 regard Regard. s. m. Action de la veu action par laquelle on regarde. Regard fixe. regard languissant. regard amoureux. doux regard. regard favorable. il a le regard fier le regard vif. regard rude terrible affreux farouche regard perant. il luy Dictionnaire de l'Acadmie franaise 3 Regard Regard n. [F. regard See {Regard} v. t.] 1. A look; aspect directed to another; view; gaze. [1913 Webster] But her with stern regard he thus repelled. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Attention of the mind with a feeling of interest; observation; The Collaborative International Dictionary of English 4 regard Regard ou regardure Aspectus Conspectus Despectus Prospectus Respectus Contuitus Intuitus Spectatio Visio. Regard qu on fait de tous costez Circunspectus. Un regard plus agu et ardant Aspectus vegetior. Un ferme regard Thresor de la langue franoyse 5 regard n Regard respect esteem admiration and their corresponding verbs (regard respect esteem admire) are comparable when they mean a feeling or to have a feeling for someone or something which involves recognition of that person s or thing s New Dictionary of Synonyms 6 regard [ri grd] n. [ME amp;LT; OFr amp;LT; regarder: see RE amp; GUARD] 1. a firm fixed look; gaze 2. consideration; attention; concern [to have some regard for one s safety] 3. respect and affection; esteem [to have high regard for one s teachers] English World dictionary 7 regard 1. Regard is used in a number of complex prepositions as regards in regard to with regard to as well as the form regarding; all have more or less the same meaning although the first three are more common at the beginning of sentences. 2. In Modern English usage 8 Regard Regard (r?g?rd ) v. t. [imp. amp; p. p. {Regarded}; p. pr. amp; vb. n. {Regarding}.] [F. regarder; pref. re re garder to guard heed keep. See {Guard} and cf. {Reward}.] 1. To keep in view; to behold; to look at; to view; to gaze upon. [1913 The Collaborative International Dictionary of English 9 regard [n1] attention look care carefulness cognizance concern consciousness curiosity gaze glance heed interest interestedness mark mind note notice observance observation once over remark scrutiny stare view; concepts New thesaurus 10 regard VERB 1) think of in a particular way. 2) gaze at in a specified fashion. 3) archaic pay attention to. NOUN 1) heed or concern: she rescued him without regard for herself. 2) high opinion; esteem. 3) a steady English terms dictionary 11 regard I (attention) noun advertence advertency alertness application attentiveness care concentration concern consideration examination heed needfulness intentness interest mindfulness notice observation scrutiny vigilance watch Law dictionary 12 regard m. regard. A regard de : l gard de En regard : en regard vis vis Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu 13 regard UK US /rgd/ noun regards Cf. regards in/with regard to sb/sth Cf. with regard to sth Financial and business terms 14 Regard Dsigne en principe celui qui est originaire d une localit appele le Regard (nombreuses mentions du toponyme en France) qui voque un endroit d o l on domine les alentours. C est en Franche Comt et en Savoie que le nom de famille est le plus Noms de famille 15 Regard Regard (r?g?rd ) v. i. To look attentively; to consider; to notice. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] The Collaborative International Dictionary of English 16 Regard (fr. spr. R gahr) 1) Blick; 2) Rcksicht; 3) Aufmerksamkeit; 4) Achtung Pierer's Universal-Lexikon 17 regard as index apprehend (perceive) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 Law dictionary 18 regard (re gar ; le d ne se prononce pas et ne se lie pas ; au pluriel l s ne se lie pas : des re gar tonns ; cependant quelques uns la lient : des regar z tonns) s. m. 1Attention qu on a pour (sens primitif dtermin par garder qui est dans l Dictionnaire de la Langue Franaise d'mile Littr 19 Regard Le regard dsigne le mouvement ou la direction des yeux vers un objet et par mtaphore la capacit intellectuelle d un individu apprhender une situation. Le regard est un support important de la communication entre individus y compris chez Wikipdia en Franais 20 regard I. noun 1 attention to/thought for sb/sth ADJECTIVE particular special specific scant They paid scant regard to my views. due Collocations dictionary Pages @academic2ru - Channel statistics academic2.ru . Telegram ... 07/09/20 03:01 from store.academic2.ru academic2.ru - Telegram - altt.me academic2.ru https://telegram.me [1] enacademiccom https://telegram.me Enacademic.com Website Analysis (Review) Enacademic.com has 4188 daily visitors and has the potential to earn up to 503 USD per month by showing ads. [3] Romanian General Election 1946 [4] mumble 07/09/20 01:46 from Publications digests filtered mumble 1 07/09/20 03:09 from academic2.ru 18.01.2020 - . : : . ... : . 1665. ( . . ( .. 2002) . . : 4 (6) . . ( ). || (.). . . . .. . 1935 1940 . . | . . ( ). . .. .. . 1949 1992 : . 1495. . I 562. . 1498. . IV 160. . 1605. . . II 413. . 1633. . . . II 81. maias statusas Aprobuotas sritis duonos ir miltiniai gaminiai apibrtis Skystas arba tirtas pusgaminis ruoiamas i dalies kvietini milt viso receptroje nurodyto mieli kiekio ir vandens rauginamas ir maiomas ruoiam pyrago kepini Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvi odynas) . 25 : 16814 88: . - - . . i. l. (. 2 75) . r . . 1. . 2. . . . . . 2000 (: . . ) . . . . . . 93. . . . 4 204. . . . . 23 235. [ 8 07/09/20 01:49 from Vk digest 2 This may cause VK to work slowly or experience errors. For speed and stability we recommend you install the latest version of one of the following browsers: Atom Chrome Opera Firefox Alternatively you can use the mobile version of the website. commonwealth realms 07/09/20 01:46 from Publications digests filtered commonwealth realms 1 adapt 07/09/20 01:59 from academic2.ru adapt 07/09/20 01:49 from Vk digest 2 This may cause VK to work slowly or experience errors. For speed and stability we recommend you install the latest version of one of the following browsers: Atom Chrome Opera Firefox Alternatively you can use the mobile version of the website. academic2.ru _20875334 07/09/20 02:57 from Puplication digest . (). . Berlin. Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin 07/09/20 01:49 from Vk digest 2 This may cause VK to work slowly or experience errors. For speed and stability we recommend you install the latest version of one of the following browsers: Atom Chrome Firefox Opera Alternatively you can use the mobile version of the website. Fiat - academic2.ru 07/09/20 03:01 from store.academic2.ru () quot;-quot; () Fiat Punto 2 20150 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 325 5 ( ) quot;-quot; 5 ( ) Fiat Punto 2 8450 6 ( ) quot;-quot; 6 ( ) Fiat Bravo 2 19500 quot;-quot; Fiat Ulysse 2 1625 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 1625 5 ( ) quot;-quot; 5 ( ) Fiat Marea 8450 () quot;-quot; () Fiat Doblo 9750 () quot;-quot; () Fiat Doblo 9750 quot;-quot; Fiat Ducato 1 650 [IMG] ( ) quot;-quot; ( ) Fiat Punto 2 1625 ( ) quot;-quot; ( ) Fiat Multipla 1950 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 3250 quot;-quot; Fiat Ducato 2 6500 quot;-quot; Fiat Bravo 2 3250 quot;-quot; Fiat Scudo (220) 2600 quot;-quot; Fiat Ducato 2 2600 quot;-quot; Fiat Panda 2 2600 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 1950 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 1950 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 1950 forma-odezhda.ru 07/09/20 01:42 from forma-odezhda.ru Bates ( ) Bates 60 . ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : ( ) ( ) () () ( ) ( ) : 201 25 50 75 100 [IMG] Bates 5130 (EW) Zero Mass Bates EW 5130 Slip Resistant - SATRA WTM 144 . Non Metallic Security Friendly . .. 8 200 . [IMG] BATES GX-8 side ZIP boot 2268 ( ) Bates GX-8 Gore-Tex Sid Zip : ( ) . .. 7 128 . BATES - -. - . () - () - -- - . . . Qiwi Paypal WebMoney. 437(2) . () . quot;quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; . e-mail . PANTENE - academic2.ru 07/09/20 01:57 from store.academic2.ru Pantene Pro-V Aqua Light 400. 249 Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWzNp Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWzNp delivered by deltaFeed 10. Detected change on https://clck.ru/PX28j Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PX28j delivered by deltaFeed analogindex - Nikwax - Nikwax Waterproofing 2. [IMG]2. analogindex - Nikwax - Nikwax Waterproofing . via forma full 5 3. [IMG]3. analogindex - . . 6. [IMG]4. 7. [IMG]5. analogindex - : More information including tags linkers tweeters and related docs on Serendeputy. via forma full 5 8. [IMG]6. 10. [IMG]7. 11. [IMG]8. 11. [IMG]9. 12. [IMG]10. 13. [IMG]11. 17. [IMG]12. 19. [IMG]13. 20. [IMG]14. 20. [IMG]15. 20. [IMG]16. 20. [IMG]17. 21. [IMG]18. 21. [IMG]19. 21. [IMG]20. 21. [IMG]21. 21. Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWzqK Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWzqK delivered by deltaFeed analogindex - Nikwax - Nikwax Waterproofing 2. [IMG]2. formaodezhdaru - :https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ /gt; 7. [IMG]3. formaodezhdaru - - :https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ / 8. [IMG]4. formaodezhdaru - :https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ /gt; 8. [IMG]5. analogindex - together: quot; quot; plus 49 more 19:59 06.09.2020 together: quot; quot; plus 49 more together: quot; quot; 10. [IMG]6. formaodezhdaru - - https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ : https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ /gt; 12. [IMG]7. formaodezhdaru - :https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ /gt; 12. [IMG]8. -64679952 - Forma-Odezhda.ru: : qaraqalpaq 1 14. [IMG]9. 15. [IMG]10. 19. [IMG]11. 20. [IMG]12. 20. [IMG]13. 21. [IMG]14. 21. [IMG]15. 21. [IMG]16. 21. [IMG]17. 23. [IMG]18. 06.09.2020 03:17 Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWzj9 Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWzj9 delivered by deltaFeed formaodezhdaru - :https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ /gt; 7. [IMG]2. formaodezhdaru - - :https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ / 8. [IMG]3. formaodezhdaru - :https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ /gt; 8. [IMG]4. 10. [IMG]5. 10. [IMG]6. 12. [IMG]7. 12. [IMG]8. 15. [IMG]9. 15. [IMG]10. 18. [IMG]11. 20. [IMG]12. 06.09.2020 03:17 [IMG]13. 05.09.2020 22:49 [IMG]14. [IMG]15. [IMG]16. [IMG]17. [IMG]18. [IMG]19. [IMG]20. [IMG]21. [IMG]22. [IMG]23. [IMG]24. [IMG]25. [IMG]26. [IMG]27. [IMG]28. [IMG]29. Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWzVF Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWzVF delivered by deltaFeed 10. Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWzR9 Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWzR9 delivered by deltaFeed formaodezhdaru - :https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ /gt; 7. [IMG]2. formaodezhdaru - - :https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ / 8. [IMG]3. formaodezhdaru - :https://forma-odezhda.ru/encyclopedia/forma-vmf-povsednevnaya-i-paradnaya-formennaya-odezhda/ /gt; 8. [IMG]4. 10. [IMG]5. 10. [IMG]6. 12. [IMG]7. 12. [IMG]8. 15. [IMG]9. 15. [IMG]10. 18. [IMG]11. 20. [IMG]12. 06.09.2020 03:17 [IMG]13. 05.09.2020 22:49 [IMG]14. [IMG]15. [IMG]16. [IMG]17. [IMG]18. [IMG]19. [IMG]20. [IMG]21. [IMG]22. [IMG]23. [IMG]24. [IMG]25. [IMG]26. [IMG]27. [IMG]28. [IMG]29. Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWzNp Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWzNp delivered by deltaFeed 10. Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWzKP Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWzKP delivered by deltaFeed 10. Detected change on https://clck.ru/PWyt7 Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://clck.ru/PWyt7 delivered by deltaFeed 10. Detected change on https://feed.informer.com/widgets/M8FYOXXKYL Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/3fc4HCb delivered by deltaFeed Regard 07/09/20 02:57 from Puplication digest Regard 1 regard [ r()gar ] n. m. regart 980; de regarder 1 Action manire de diriger les yeux vers un objet afin de le voir; expression des yeux de la personne qui regarde. Le regard humain. Les voleurs les espions les amants les diplomates enfin Encyclopdie Universelle 2 regard Regard. s. m. Action de la veu action par laquelle on regarde. Regard fixe. regard languissant. regard amoureux. doux regard. regard favorable. il a le regard fier le regard vif. regard rude terrible affreux farouche regard perant. il luy Dictionnaire de l'Acadmie franaise 3 Regard Regard n. [F. regard See {Regard} v. t.] 1. A look; aspect directed to another; view; gaze. [1913 Webster] But her with stern regard he thus repelled. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Attention of the mind with a feeling of interest; observation; The Collaborative International Dictionary of English 4 regard Regard ou regardure Aspectus Conspectus Despectus Prospectus Respectus Contuitus Intuitus Spectatio Visio. Regard qu on fait de tous costez Circunspectus. Un regard plus agu et ardant Aspectus vegetior. Un ferme regard Thresor de la langue franoyse 5 regard n Regard respect esteem admiration and their corresponding verbs (regard respect esteem admire) are comparable when they mean a feeling or to have a feeling for someone or something which involves recognition of that person s or thing s New Dictionary of Synonyms 6 regard [ri grd] n. [ME amp;LT; OFr amp;LT; regarder: see RE amp; GUARD] 1. a firm fixed look; gaze 2. consideration; attention; concern [to have some regard for one s safety] 3. respect and affection; esteem [to have high regard for one s teachers] English World dictionary 7 regard 1. Regard is used in a number of complex prepositions as regards in regard to with regard to as well as the form regarding; all have more or less the same meaning although the first three are more common at the beginning of sentences. 2. In Modern English usage 8 Regard Regard (r?g?rd ) v. t. [imp. amp; p. p. {Regarded}; p. pr. amp; vb. n. {Regarding}.] [F. regarder; pref. re re garder to guard heed keep. See {Guard} and cf. {Reward}.] 1. To keep in view; to behold; to look at; to view; to gaze upon. [1913 The Collaborative International Dictionary of English 9 regard [n1] attention look care carefulness cognizance concern consciousness curiosity gaze glance heed interest interestedness mark mind note notice observance observation once over remark scrutiny stare view; concepts New thesaurus 10 regard VERB 1) think of in a particular way. 2) gaze at in a specified fashion. 3) archaic pay attention to. NOUN 1) heed or concern: she rescued him without regard for herself. 2) high opinion; esteem. 3) a steady English terms dictionary 11 regard I (attention) noun advertence advertency alertness application attentiveness care concentration concern consideration examination heed needfulness intentness interest mindfulness notice observation scrutiny vigilance watch Law dictionary 12 regard m. regard. A regard de : l gard de En regard : en regard vis vis Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu 13 regard UK US /rgd/ noun regards Cf. regards in/with regard to sb/sth Cf. with regard to sth Financial and business terms 14 Regard Dsigne en principe celui qui est originaire d une localit appele le Regard (nombreuses mentions du toponyme en France) qui voque un endroit d o l on domine les alentours. C est en Franche Comt et en Savoie que le nom de famille est le plus Noms de famille 15 Regard Regard (r?g?rd ) v. i. To look attentively; to consider; to notice. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] The Collaborative International Dictionary of English 16 Regard (fr. spr. R gahr) 1) Blick; 2) Rcksicht; 3) Aufmerksamkeit; 4) Achtung Pierer's Universal-Lexikon 17 regard as index apprehend (perceive) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 Law dictionary 18 regard (re gar ; le d ne se prononce pas et ne se lie pas ; au pluriel l s ne se lie pas : des re gar tonns ; cependant quelques uns la lient : des regar z tonns) s. m. 1Attention qu on a pour (sens primitif dtermin par garder qui est dans l Dictionnaire de la Langue Franaise d'mile Littr 19 Regard Le regard dsigne le mouvement ou la direction des yeux vers un objet et par mtaphore la capacit intellectuelle d un individu apprhender une situation. Le regard est un support important de la communication entre individus y compris chez Wikipdia en Franais 20 regard I. noun 1 attention to/thought for sb/sth ADJECTIVE particular special specific scant They paid scant regard to my views. due Collocations dictionary Pages @academic2ru - Channel statistics academic2.ru . Telegram ... 07/09/20 03:01 from store.academic2.ru academic2.ru - Telegram - altt.me academic2.ru https://telegram.me [1] enacademiccom https://telegram.me Enacademic.com Website Analysis (Review) Enacademic.com has 4188 daily visitors and has the potential to earn up to 503 USD per month by showing ads. [3] Romanian General Election 1946 [4] mumble 07/09/20 01:46 from Publications digests filtered mumble 1 07/09/20 03:09 from academic2.ru 18.01.2020 - . : : . ... : . 1665. ( . . ( .. 2002) . . : 4 (6) . . ( ). || (.). . . . .. . 1935 1940 . . | . . ( ). . .. .. . 1949 1992 : . 1495. . I 562. . 1498. . IV 160. . 1605. . . II 413. . 1633. . . . II 81. maias statusas Aprobuotas sritis duonos ir miltiniai gaminiai apibrtis Skystas arba tirtas pusgaminis ruoiamas i dalies kvietini milt viso receptroje nurodyto mieli kiekio ir vandens rauginamas ir maiomas ruoiam pyrago kepini Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvi odynas) . 25 : 16814 88: . - - . . i. l. (. 2 75) . r . . 1. . 2. . . . . . 2000 (: . . ) . . . . . . 93. . . . 4 204. . . . . 23 235. [ 8 07/09/20 01:49 from Vk digest 2 This may cause VK to work slowly or experience errors. For speed and stability we recommend you install the latest version of one of the following browsers: Atom Chrome Opera Firefox Alternatively you can use the mobile version of the website. commonwealth realms 07/09/20 01:46 from Publications digests filtered commonwealth realms 1 adapt 07/09/20 01:59 from academic2.ru adapt 07/09/20 01:49 from Vk digest 2 This may cause VK to work slowly or experience errors. For speed and stability we recommend you install the latest version of one of the following browsers: Atom Chrome Opera Firefox Alternatively you can use the mobile version of the website. academic2.ru _20875334 07/09/20 02:57 from Puplication digest . (). . Berlin. Don't have Telegram yet? Try it now! External lin 07/09/20 01:49 from Vk digest 2 This may cause VK to work slowly or experience errors. For speed and stability we recommend you install the latest version of one of the following browsers: Atom Chrome Firefox Opera Alternatively you can use the mobile version of the website. Fiat - academic2.ru 07/09/20 03:01 from store.academic2.ru () quot;-quot; () Fiat Punto 2 20150 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 325 5 ( ) quot;-quot; 5 ( ) Fiat Punto 2 8450 6 ( ) quot;-quot; 6 ( ) Fiat Bravo 2 19500 quot;-quot; Fiat Ulysse 2 1625 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 1625 5 ( ) quot;-quot; 5 ( ) Fiat Marea 8450 () quot;-quot; () Fiat Doblo 9750 () quot;-quot; () Fiat Doblo 9750 quot;-quot; Fiat Ducato 1 650 [IMG] ( ) quot;-quot; ( ) Fiat Punto 2 1625 ( ) quot;-quot; ( ) Fiat Multipla 1950 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 3250 quot;-quot; Fiat Ducato 2 6500 quot;-quot; Fiat Bravo 2 3250 quot;-quot; Fiat Scudo (220) 2600 quot;-quot; Fiat Ducato 2 2600 quot;-quot; Fiat Panda 2 2600 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 1950 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 1950 quot;-quot; Fiat Doblo 1950 forma-odezhda.ru 07/09/20 01:42 from forma-odezhda.ru Bates ( ) Bates 60 . ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : ( ) ( ) () () ( ) ( ) : 201 25 50 75 100 [IMG] Bates 5130 (EW) Zero Mass Bates EW 5130 Slip Resistant - SATRA WTM 144 . Non Metallic Security Friendly . .. 8 200 . [IMG] BATES GX-8 side ZIP boot 2268 ( ) Bates GX-8 Gore-Tex Sid Zip : ( ) . .. 7 128 . BATES - -. - . () - () - -- - . . . Qiwi Paypal WebMoney. 437(2) . () . quot;quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; . e-mail . PANTENE - academic2.ru 07/09/20 01:57 from store.academic2.ru Pantene Pro-V Aqua Light 400. 249 Detected change on http://www-twaku-com.aurebeshtranslator.net/formaodezhdaru Sep 7th 2020 03:28 This is a change monitoring for https://ift.tt/2W7gPwT delivered by deltaFeed 3 minutes @ZimCricketv@ZimCricketv @NOCHESKI@NOCHESKI @BackComfortSA@BackComfortSA @AfuegoAlto@AfuegoAlto @MATUIDIBlaise@MATUIDIBlaise @Wayne_Marshall@Wayne_Marshall @greenwichpizza@greenwichpizza @SimondsHomes@SimondsHomes @Amcservices@Amcservices @mikemodzelewski@mikemodzelewski @Kanymgul@Kanymgul @pureblonde@pureblonde @Mercuregrand@Mercuregrand @katkaya@katkaya @RideMagazineSA@RideMagazineSA @Sonestaegypt@Sonestaegypt 12 minutes agohttps://t.co/jv8CUnNC7r /gt; :: https://t.co/jv8CUnNC7r /gt; 17 minutes ago CD-ROM. : : https://t.co/jv8CUnNC7r /gt; 17 minutes agohttps://t.co/jv8CUnNC7r /gt; https://t.co/jv8CUnNC7rhttps://t.co/jv8CUnNC7r - - :https://t.co/jv8CUnNC7r /gt; 17 minutes ago This may cause VK to work slowly or experience errors. 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Проданная скотинка не своя животинка. — Проданная скотинка не своя животинка. См. ТОРГОВЛЯ … В.И. Даль. Пословицы русского народа

Проданная невеста — «Проданная невеста» (чеш. Prodaná nevěsta) комическая опера в трёх действиях чешского композитора Бедржиха Сметаны на либретто Карела Сабины. Опера считается значительной вехой в развитии чешской музыки. Написана в период 1863… … Википедия

Просватанная, что проданная. — см. Обрученная, что подаренная … В.И. Даль. Пословицы русского народа

заранее проданная эмиссия — Выпуск муниципальных (municipal bonds) или правительственных облигаций, который полностью продан до того, как цена или доход объявляются открыто. Выпуски корпорационных облигаций, которые должны предлагаться в открытой продаже, с регистрационным… … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь

Облигация, проданная со значительной скидкой — Облигация, выпущенная с очень низким купоном или без него и продаваемая по цене гораздо ниже номинальной стоимости. Если облигация выпускается без купона, она называется облигацией с нулевым купоном (Zero coupon bond) … Инвестиционный словарь

Сметана Б. — (Smetana) Бедржих (2 III 1824, Литомишль 12 V 1884, Прага) чеш. композитор, дирижёр, пианист, муз. обществ. деятель. Учился игре на скрипке у отца, пивовара, любителя музыки. С 5 летнего возраста участвовал в домашнем музицировании, играя … Музыкальная энциклопедия

Палечек, Йозеф (Осип Осипович, Иосиф Иосифович) — (Paleček) [6(18).9. (в нек рых источ. 28 сент.). 1842, Естржаби Лота, близ г. Колин, Чехия 11 (24).2.1915, Петроград] арт. оперы (бас кантанте), камерный певец, педагог. По национальности чех. Род. в семье учителя. Муз. образование получил в … Большая биографическая энциклопедия

Шлемм А. — (Schlemm) Анни (р. 22 II 1929, Нёй Изенбург, Гессен) нем. певица (сопрано) (ФРГ). Пению обучалась у Э. Вестенбергера в Берлине. На оперной сцене дебютировала в 1946 в Галле. В 1949 выступила в т рах Берлина Комише опер и Нем. гос. опере,… … Музыкальная энциклопедия

Брянский, Яков Григорьевич — (до поступления на сцену Григорьев) актер; род. в 1790 г., ум. 20 февраля 1853 г. в Петербурге. Сын бедного чиновника, Григорьев получил самое скромное образование. Еще не достигши четырнадцати лет, он, вследствие недостатка средств, поступил… … Большая биографическая энциклопедия

Платонова, Юлия Федоровна — (настоящая фамилия Тванева; урожденная Гардер) артистка Императорской С. Петербургской оперной труппы, родилась в 1841 г. в Риге. С самого раннего возраста она отличалась особенной любовью и способностями к музыке. Воспитание получила в Митавской … Большая биографическая энциклопедия

Чехословакия — (Československo) Чехословацкая Социалистическая Республика, ЧССР (Československa socialisticka republika, ČSSR). I. Общие сведения ЧССР социалистическое государство в Центральной Европе. Расположено на водоразделе Дуная … Большая советская энциклопедия

Кромбгольц Я. — (Krombholc) Ярослав (р. 30 I 1918, Прага) чеш. дирижёр. Нар. арт. ЧССР (1966). Окончил Пражскую консерваторию и Школу мастерства при ней, где учился в 1937 42 у О. Шина, В. Новака и А. Хабы (композиция), П. Дедечека, затем у В. Талиха… … Музыкальная энциклопедия

Фуриант — (чеш. furiant, букв. гордец, зазнайка, от лат. furia ярость, экстаз) чеш. нар. парный танец юмористич. характера. Сопровождается пением. Размер переменный 2/4 3/4, причём вначале следуют три 2 дольных, а затем два 3 дольных такта. Танец… … Музыкальная энциклопедия

Сабина Карел — (Sabina), псевдонимы: А. Желинский (A. Zelinský); Л. Бласс, (L. Blass) (1813 1877), идейный руководитель чешских радикальных демократов в 1848 49, писатель. Стихотворения, повести, романы, политические и философские статьи и трактаты, либретто… … Энциклопедический словарь

Сметана Бедржих — (Smetana) (1824 1884), композитор, дирижёр, пианист; основоположник чешской оперы. Оперы, в том числе историческая «Бранденбуржцы в Чехии» (1863), комическая «Проданная невеста» (1866), трагическая «Далибор» (1867), эпическая «Либуше» (1872);… … Энциклопедический словарь

Фёдоров Василий Дмитриевич — (1918 1984), русский поэт. Поэмы («Проданная Венера», 1958; «Седьмое небо», 1959 68; «Женитьба Дон Жуана», 1978); сборники гражданской и интимной лирики («Третьи петухи», 1966; «Книга любви и веры», 1974). Повести, цикл рассказов «Сны поэта»… … Энциклопедический словарь

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