
The Sex Pistols — Sex Pistols Demande de traduction Sex Pistols → … Wikipédia en Français

Descartes: metaphysics and the philosophy of mind — John Cottingham THE CARTESIAN PROJECT Descartes is rightly regarded as one of the inaugurators of the modern age, and there is no doubt that his thought profoundly altered the course of Western philosophy. In no area has this influence been more… … History of philosophy

Surfing with the Alien — Infobox Album | Name = Surfing with the Alien Type = Album Artist = Joe Satriani Released = 1987 Recorded = 1986 Genre = Instrumental rock Length = 37:33 Label = Relativity Records Epic Records (re release) Producer = Joe Satriani and John… … Wikipedia

Inalienable Possessions — The concept of Inalienable Possessions coined from Annette Weiner’s observation regarding the many objects of the Trobriand islanders who view those objects as culturally imbued with a spiritual sense of the gift giver (Wilk 2007). Thus, when… … Wikipedia

Peramangk — The Peramangk were an Indigenous Australian people whose traditional lands were primarily located in Adelaide Hills but also in the southern stretches of the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia. They were also referred to as the Mount Barker… … Wikipedia

Neural correlates of consciousness — The Neuronal Correlates of Consciousness (NCC) constitute the smallest set of neural events and structures sufficient for a given conscious percept or explicit memory. This case involves synchronized action potentials in neocortical pyramidal… … Wikipedia

Australian Aborigine — aborigine (def. 2). * * *

people Introduction any of the indigenous people of Australia. Australia is the only continent where the entire indigenous population maintained a single kind of adaptation hunting and gathering (hunting and… … Universalium

literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium

Indigenous Australian art — is art produced by Indigenous Australians, covering works that pre date European colonization as well as contemporary art by Aboriginal Australians based on traditional culture.It has a history which covers over 40,000 years, and represent a… … Wikipedia

World of Eberron — Eneko redirects here. For the Spanish triathlete, see Eneko Llanos. The World of Eberron consists of a number of features for the Eberron campaign setting for the Dungeons Dragons fantasy role playing game. Contents 1 Setting 1.1 Cosmology … Wikipedia

Australia — /aw strayl yeuh/, n. 1. a continent SE of Asia, between the Indian and the Pacific oceans. 18,438,824; 2,948,366 sq. mi. (7,636,270 sq. km). 2. Commonwealth of, a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, consisting of the federated states and… … Universalium

Southern Africa — Introduction southernmost region of the African continent, comprising the countries of Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The island nation of Madagascar is excluded… … Universalium

BT (musician) — BT BT in 2011 Background information Birth name Brian Wayne Transeau Born … Wikipedia

Brain — This article is about the brains of all types of animals, including humans. For information specific to the human brain, see Human brain. For other uses, see Brain (disambiguation). A chimpanzee brain The brain is … Wikipedia

United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… … Universalium

KABBALAH — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction general notes terms used for kabbalah the historical development of the kabbalah the early beginnings of mysticism and esotericism apocalyptic esotericism and merkabah… … Encyclopedia of Judaism

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фригидный перевод с русского на все языки


См. также в других словарях: фригидный — ая, ое, ден, дна ( … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка. фригидный — прил., кол во синонимов: 1 …


— ая, ое, ден, дна ( …

Словарь иностранных слов русского языка


— прил., кол во синонимов: 1 • холодный (102) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …

Словарь синонимов


— прил. Отличающийся фригидностью (о женщине). Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 …

Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой


— фриг идный …

Русский орфографический словарь


— кр.ф. фриги/ден, фриги/дна, дно, дны …

Орфографический словарь русского языка


— ая, ое; ден, дна, дно. [лат. frigidus холодный] Мед. Не проявляющий чувственности, полового влечения. Ф ая женщина …

Энциклопедический словарь


— ая, ое; ден, дна, дно.; (лат. frigidus холодный); мед. Не проявляющий чувственности, полового влечения. Ф ая женщина …

Словарь многих выражений


— фригидн/ый …

Морфемно-орфографический словарь


— Студеный, прохладный, ледяной, морозный, свежий. Крутой (жесткий) мороз. Низкая температура. .. Прот. хладнокровный. См. бесстрастный, хладнокровный …

Словарь синонимов


— (по имени жены римского императора Клавдия Мессалины, известной своим распутством, властолюбием и жестокостью), форма сексуального поведения женщины, испытывающей потребность в частой смене сексуального партнёра. Различают несколько форм… …

Сексологическая энциклопедия


— холод; некогда распространенная в Одессе фамилия. На дворе скаженный зусман пять градусов тепла. ■ Борух Зусман переоделся. Теперь он Борис Фригидный …

Большой полутолковый словарь одесского языка

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chileno.esacademic.com › lesear


bromear; molestar; pasarlo bien; cf. hueviar, chacotear, revolverla, leseo, leso, lesera; pero si sólo estábamos leseando , no me lesees más, ¿quieres?

via Academic summary

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


bromear; molestar; pasarlo bien; cf. hueviar, chacotear, revolverla, leseo, leso, lesera; pero si sólo estábamos leseando , no me lesees más, ¿quieres? , ¿salgamos a lesear por ahí esta noche mi amor?

from Publication digest https://zzap.run/s/academic2ru?before=166896


Assessment Center — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Assessment Center o el Centro de Desarrollo y de Evaluación es un método de evaluación de personas. Incorpora varias técnicas (tests psicotécnicos, entrevistas, pruebas en grupo e individuales) y tiene como… … Wikipedia Español

Assessment Center — Ausschnitt eines typischen Bewertungsmusters. Voransicht des kompletten Bewertungsbogens. Ein Assessment Center (AC) (von englisch to assess = beurteilen, deutsc … Deutsch Wikipedia

Assessment-Center — Ausschnitt eines typischen Bewertungsmusters … Deutsch Wikipedia

Assessment-Center — As|sẹss|ment Cen|ter, As|sẹss|ment|cen|ter [ə sɛsməntsɛntɐ , …mɛnt…], das; s, [engl. assessment centre, aus: assessment = Einschätzung, Beurteilung u. centre, ↑ Center]: psychologisches Testverfahren, bei dem jmds. Eignung (bes. für eine… … Universal-Lexikon

Assessment Center — L assessment center désigne un organisme chargé de l évaluation par assessment, c est à dire par mise en situation[1]. Il vise à compléter les méthodes d’évaluation plus traditionnelles telles que l’entretien d’évaluation ou l’auto évaluation et … Wikipédia en Français

assessment center — aˈssessment centre 8 [assessment centre] (BrE) (NAmE aˈssessment center) noun ( … Useful english dictionary

assessment center — HR a process whereby a group of participants undertakes a series of job related exercises under observation, so that skills, competencies, and character traits can be assessed. Specially trained assessors evaluate each participant against… … The ultimate business dictionary

Assessment-Center — As|sess|ment Cen|ter, auch As|sess|ment|cen|ter […sɛntɐ] das; s, <aus gleichbed. engl. assessment centre, zu centre, vgl. 1↑Center> psychologisches Testverfahren, bei dem jmds. Eignung (bes. für eine Führungsposition) festgestellt werden… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch

Assessment Center — Auswahlverfahren für Stellenbewerber; Assessmentcenter … Universal-Lexikon

Assessment Center — umfassend angelegtes eignungsdiagnostisches Verfahren (⇡ Eignungsdiagnostik), bei dem mehrere Kandidaten über mehrere Tage untersucht und von mehreren Beurteilern hinsichtlich ihrer ⇡ Eignung für bestimmte Positionen beurteilt werden.… … Lexikon der Economics

Assessment-Center — D✓As|sess|ment Cen|ter , As|sess|ment|cen|ter K 22, das; s, (ein psychologischer Eignungstest; Abkürzung AC) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

Assessment-Center-Methode — As|sess|ment Cen|ter Me|tho|de, die <o. Pl.>: ↑Assessment Center … Universal-Lexikon

Assessment-Center-Methode — D✓As|sess|ment Cen|ter Me|tho|de, As|sess|ment|cen|ter|me|tho|de, die; (Abkürzung AC Methode) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

Industrial Assessment Center — Infobox Government agency agency name = Industrial Assessment Center nativename = nativename a = nativename r = logo = logo width = logo caption = seal width = 140px seal caption = Seal of the Department of Energy formed = 1976 preceding1 =… … Wikipedia

Career Assessment Center — The Career Assessment Center has two locations in Louisville, Kentucky. It is a service of the Jefferson County Public Schools. There are two Career Assessment Counselors who are assisted by several staff members. Students are given the… … Wikipedia

Assessment (Psychologie) — Assessment (engl. Beurteilung) ist die Erfassung von psychologischen und anderen Merkmalen zu einem praktischen Zweck, der eine rationale Entscheidung verlangt. Assessment vermeidet absichtlich den medizinisch geprägten Begriff Diagnostik… … Deutsch Wikipedia

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chileno.esacademic.com › lesear


bromear; molestar; pasarlo bien; cf. hueviar, chacotear, revolverla, leseo, leso, lesera; pero si sólo estábamos leseando , no me lesees más, ¿quieres?

via Academic summary

Los diccionarios y las enciclopedias sobre el Académico


bromear; molestar; pasarlo bien; cf. hueviar, chacotear, revolverla, leseo, leso, lesera; pero si sólo estábamos leseando , no me lesees más, ¿quieres? , ¿salgamos a lesear por ahí esta noche mi amor?

from Publication digest https://zzap.run/s/academic2ru?before=166896